Sunday, February 21, 2010


The FOUNDING FATHERS attempted to set up a system of government that had built in checks and balances to protect WE THE PEOPLE from tyranny. But over the years we have been woefully inattentive to the changes in our major institutions that have been incrementally wrought by the Progressive Movement. The results of this ignorance is that today we have a government that is out of control, takes wealth away from the productive and gives it to the slothful, lies to us on a daily basis, rewards those that are friendly with its aims and bullies those that stand in its way. We no longer seem to be a country ruled by law, but ruled by men. How did this happen? I submit to you that the dumbing down of our children, the creation of a media that is no longer objective but vigorously supports a leftist agenda and entrenched politicians that seem to be clueless about our rights did not happen by accident. It was a slow, deliberate process that began many years ago and now threatens the very existence of our free republic. Progressives have infiltrated our Education system and our News media and now hold the levers of governmental power.

If you doubt that our government (aka “public”) schools are, and have been nothing more than progressive indoctrination camps for years, here some evidence for you.

Gallup Poll: Most Democrats Like Socialism

Obama Using Public Schools To Recruit Agenda Advancing Interns

GLENN COOK: Politically correct mumbo-jumbo in our schools

We are past a point today where many, if not most Americans are wise to the spin, distortion and outright lies of the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi , the elite’s of academia and their media allies. That is unless you are a Progressive. And because many of us are aware of these facts we do not trust our elected officials and their minions any longer. A great example of the lies we hear daily is in the healthcare debate. After the Massachusetts Massacre one would think that Progressive politicians would get the message that if they are going to do anything, it should be to start over. They can meet with their conservative opposition, develop a new set of premises about the problems that need solving and then build the legislation based on liberty and free-market principles. Only 20-25% of Americans describe themselves as “liberals”; therefore far-left loonies are a minority of the country’s population. Yet the Progressives in Congress have stamped the current legislation with this tyrannical governing philosophy. And despite the overwhelming public opposition to their plans, the progressives still doggedly pursue their anti-freedom, big government agenda anyway. We hear all about transparency and bipartisanship from the talking heads, and Obama demands a summit to include the opposition party to “jumpstart the process again”. But is this meeting is nothing more than a trap to make the conservatives look like obstructionists, which they indeed should be against this proposed growth of government?

Pelosi aide says Democratic congressional leaders have settled on legislative "trick" to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit? UPDATED

Obama Keeps All-Democratic Health Care Option Open

The Summit of Folly


Up Next! On Live TV! A Battle Over ... Health Care?

Does this make this make the Progressive arguments about why we need healthcare reform any more persuasive or believable? To the contrary, Americans do seem to understand what is at stake and do not want what the Progressives are peddling.

What Americans Don't Understand about Obamacare

Then there is the constant mantra by the Progressives that the economic problems are all Bush’s fault. Certainly W deserves blame for some of the economic problems, but where is the truth being told that years of government intervention in the economy was a big part of the problem? Do we hear about the federal Governments role in today’s “crisis”? What about the Community reinvestment Act of 1977 (strengthened and amended over the years) , Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the willing Progressive Congressional Republicans and ACORN to name a few that played no small part in our current economic situation, not just greedy bankers and investors as the main stream media would have you believe. Here is another look at the Clinton and Bush years that paint a different picture of Progressive claims that W squandered the largess left to him by his predecessor.

Deception as a Principle of Governance

If we believe that the government is the problem, or at least a big slice of it, why do we want it to get bigger? We don’t and here’s why…

Increasing Government Power Threatens Freedom

Politicians Taking Away Your Freedom

Of course as we all know part of the problem is that the media are willing accomplices in the spreading of lies. But for those of you that don’t believe there is a progressive bias please examine the media’s treatment of two stories that are essentially about the same thing, violence and murder. But one of the stories does not fit the media’s anti-conservative propaganda template and the other does. Therefore, it seems that one story is getting a lot of national coverage and the other is not… I base this last statement on two pieces of anecdotal evidence. 1) A person I spoke to about Austin incident remarked that they wondered which Tea Party organization the perpetrator had belonged to. 2) Another person that I know was not even aware of the Huntsville tragedy. This latter person is exposed to primarily liberal news sources.

Killing for Tenure

Media Use Austin IRS Terror Attack to Slam Tea Party Movement

Another good example of media bias is the 2008 election itself. Who was and is Barrack Hussein Obama? There was plenty of evidence that he was a real Marxist radical but for some reason those that tried to inform the people of this were ridiculed, belittled and sidelined. BO’s past associations did not matter we were told. But now, a year into his Presidency (if you can call it that, maybe wannabe dictatorship describes it better); we are learning more and more about this. For example:

College Acquaintance: Obama Was 'Pure Marxist Socialist'

Of course this is just hearsay evidence from one source. But there was overwhelming evidence of his philosophy during the election; it was just pretty much covered up so that “hope and change” prevailed. And futhermore, we have had the actual experience of witnessing BO in office: for about a year now.

The Real Obama

Barack Obama Admits That “By Design” You Remain Unemployed

To earn back the trust of the people, what is needed is a large dose of good old-fashioned common sense. Progressives say that society must progress and evolve to improve. The Constitution is old-fashioned and obsolete. But there is nothing wrong in wanting to turn the clock back if what used to be will work now, and it will.

The Wisdom of Conservatism

Progressivism has been tried under many names throughout history. It has always succeeded in oppressing people and ending in disaster. This philosophy that promises to create a human utopia on earth has always been a dismal failure. Where Progressivism has been the dominant rule misery has followed. For example, just look at many of the major big cities in this country. Most of these places are, and have been for decades, controlled by Progressives in mayoral and city council positions. Most of these cities are corrupt and on the verge of bankruptcy. The poor are still poor, the illiterate still cannot read and write and crime is still rampant. The city elites are still smug and comfortable even though they cause and continue these problems with their compassionate ideas and wasteful spending. Why does anyone think that adopting more progressive policies will improve our current situation at any level, city, state or federal? The truth is it won’t improve anything except for the politically connected. The truth also is this: Progressive ideas and policies are exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.

In closing, the problem with the Progressive Movement is they cannot be truthful about their ultimate ends. Thus they have to continually lie to THE PEOPLE. This occurs on a daily basis. We witness it from President Obama and his Administration, the Congressional leadership and the legion of talking heads in the Media. Lies such as you can keep your doctor if you like him or her. Cap and Trade is necessary if we are to avert planetary disaster. We must spend our way out of recession. We must tax the wealthy so they pay their fair share. Capitalism is evil and only for people that are greedy. Freedom is overrated. These and other blatant lies have over time destroyed the trust that Americans used to place in their government and traditional institutions, such as education and the press. Progressives used to be able to repeat their lies enough to make them the truth. But in today’s world they cannot completely control the message, and truth can still be found, no matter how hard they try to prevent it. That is the good news. For now...

To make sure freedom,of speech and otherwise remains a part of our society, we need to vote Progressive incumbents out and replace them with principled candidates of character who will actually uphold the Constitution, slash taxes and spending with a meat cleaver, repeal all bad legislation, scale back the number of civil service union employees and thereby shrink the overall scope and power of the federal government. Then real hope and change in America can begin.

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