Sunday, November 29, 2009


My last post was about the global warming scam. There have been some interesting twists in that story in the last week or so. And while I hope that we can focus on and defeat the freedom depriving, economy killing Obamination that the democrat health-care reform plans represent ,we must also keep our eye on the “climate change” ball if we want to remain free.

Here are some links to information on “climategate”. Now, your radical friends and family members will continue to cling to the lie that man is causing so much damage to the planet’s environment that we will be facing catastrophe in the near future. This theory has never been proven. There have been many reputable scientists questioning the “science” that Al Gore says is settled… and now, new evidence surfaces that the books have been cooked, so to speak, by the very progressives that want to tell us how much energy we can use and how to live our lives.

I will start off with the first article I saw on this subject on Friday November 20.

Climate skeptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists

Next, here is a recent blog post by George Monbiot, who is a leftist moon bat who believes that drastic action coupled with strong political will is needed to combat global warming. Monbiot has written that climate change is the "moral question of the 21st century" and that there is little time for debate or objections to a raft of emergency actions he believes will stop climate change. Here he writes about the hacked emails of pro-climate change researchers and the bungled response from that camp.

Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go

Next is a piece from Gerald Warner, another Brit who appears to lean more to the right politically. His take is good news, that BO’s Cap n Tax plans may be disrupted by the climategate episode. Let’s all hope so…

Climategate e-mails sweep America may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade

Here are several more links to this unfolding story to help inform you and keep you up to date.

Climate Emails Stoke Debate

Lord Lawson calls for public inquiry into UEA global warming data 'manipulation'

Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon

Rigging a Climate 'Consensus'

And now, here are links to stories about this that hit closer to home…

White House Science Czar Involved in Climategate

Obama faces delicate balancing act on climate

Here is that criminal clown, Al Gore. This is a piece that demonstrates how to manipulate data, in this case a series of photos, to fit your theory. The progressives are masters at this. When the facts do not fit the theory, alter the facts and not the theory.

With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

Finally, here is a hoot for you. With the evidence mounting that this whole “global warming” or “climate change” crisis is nothing more than another method that the wealthy elites are using to take over the world and force their “solutions” on us common folk, Al Gore writes an editorial, co-authoring it with a manager of an investment house about the need for “long-term” thinking to solve this problem. Note that Gore and Blood blame the current global financial crisis on short term thinking by capitalists. WRONG! How about we start pointing the finger at the real culprit for this disaster; that being progressivism which leads to government “solutions” to non-existent problems. Do the research for yourself and you will see how the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act became the foundation for the house of cards that was the “sub-prime” lending industry. Does this scenario sound familiar?

Time is up for short-term thinking in capitalism

Have you noticed that the state controlled media have not really covered this story, except for a few items at this point on FOX news? Most of this information which we need to hear is originating in Great Britain! But of course, there is no leftist bias in out news industry. Perish the thought.

Until next time, stay alert as our domestic enemies are everywhere and they never give up trying to transform America into their vision of Utopia… with them at the top of the food chain of course. The 2010 mid-terms are less than a year away and hopefully we can vote all of the progressives, whether republican or democrat, out of office!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


In separate correspondence I have passed along some recent information about the upcoming climate change meeting in Copenhagen. Many fear that the dear leader will sign the draft treaty that establishes the framework for a global governmental entity and thus reduce or even eliminate American sovereignty and the Constitutional protections we have. I believe that is a realistic fear given there is a Marxist in the White House who is surrounded by other radicals right now.

Clinton: No Binding Climate Deal at Denmark Talks

Keep in mind that many reputable researchers and scientists’ dispute that CO2 is a cause of climate change and also that the argument that man is causing catastrophic changes are based solely on computer models. Now comes along a study that seems to demonstrate that the earth absorbs CO2 levels at seemingly astounding rates. This new study says that since 1850 the balance between absorbed and free CO2 in the atmosphere has been almost constant despite a rapid increase in CO2 levels caused by our addiction to fossil fuels. To give this some context, while the industrial revolution started in England around 1733, with the introduction of the first cotton mill, many place the birth of fossil fuel use on a large scale around 1885. That was the year that coal passed wood as a primary energy source.

Controversial new climate change results

As stated before, the climate change movement that has evolved from a radical fringe movement into mainstream America over the past couple of decades though constant propaganda and school indoctrination is not about saving the planet. It is all about power, money and control. This comment about the above article (“controversial”) spells it out pretty well:

“Whether or not climate change is manmade is irrelevant. In fact, it doesn't even matter if the world is heating up cooling down, or staying the same - because climate change is all about IDEOLOGY, and climate change legislation is how to FORCE that ideology on everyone else. The wealthy love climate change laws because they allow the upper classes to live at current levels of consumption at the expense of the middle and lower classes. It is a redistribution of both wealth and liberty from the lower classes to the upper classes and elites, who will then govern the rest on behalf of "mother earth."

If one accepts the premise that the Cap n Trade legislation is another Trojan horse, just like the healthcare reform bills, and the real purpose is to move us toward socialism (the intermediate step to communism), then there is a realistic example of what this country may look like after the Obama/Progressive Wrecking Crew gets done “transforming” America. Cast your eyes to South America for a look at our future in a command-and-control centralized economic system that is being established in this county as you read this.

Blackouts Plague Energy-Rich Venezuela

More evidence that the real reason for the push for Cap n Trade is to empower government is in the article below. Just like the progressives, to keep slipping in provisions in these massive bills so that the American people don’t know about it until it is passed into law. Do we as a free people want to give this kind of power to the federal government? I sure as heck don’t. I fear this government…

Climate bill's 'emergency provision' gives Obama strong-man powers UPDATED!

Other actions that governments are contemplating are right out of 1984. In Britain there is this:

Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'

And in the Netherlands, there is this:

Netherlands to levy 'green' road tax by the kilometer

Back in August, Robert Ferguson penned this editorial for American Thinker. It is spot on for the reason that the elites are pushing this agenda.


And there is this about the climate change agenda from NewsMax also from August.

Energy Expert: 'Cap and Trade' a Leftist Plot

Even if one buys into the scam and you think that man is rapidly destroying the planet, there are better ways to implement change in fuels than Cap N Tax. Take 10 minutes to watch the following video made by two apparently rouge EPA attorneys who are experts.

Obama Team Threatens EPA Staff For Climate Dissent

There are encouraging developments however. Recent polling indicates that more Americans do not believe that climate change is real than do. In addition we have the weather itself seemingly declaring that warming is not occurring. Of course the dedicated loons that believe in the UN propaganda will say that the UN climatologists are saying that this is just a pause before warming resumes. What horse squeeze. And to think America funds most of this nonsensical and biased “research”.

Chicago Sees Coldest July In 67 Years

I will leave you with two links that address this issue in a realistic way.

Global Climate Change Facts: The Truth, the Consensus, and the Skeptics

Not Evil Just Wrong challenges environmental claims

In any event, we must maintain our vigilance against all that this government is trying to do to “transform” America. I have already written my Senators as the next battle on climate change will be in that body. I suggest you do the same. Here is what I told them.

Dear Senator,

Please do not even think of ratifying the Copenhagen Climate Treaty. This is all about the transfer of America’s wealth to other countries and the loss of our sovereignty. The treaty has nothing to do with stopping climate change. It has not even been proven, or even satisfactorily demonstrated to a majority of American’s satisfaction that man is impacting the climate. There has been no real debate about this issue. This proposed treaty will lead to socialism and a world dictatorship and is contrary to, if not an outright violation of your oath of office. Thank you.


Until next time, keep your eyes and ears open. Our domestic enemies are everywhere!