Saturday, December 12, 2009


This week’s post is short and sweet.
First, I will ask a question of you:What do YOU think is going on right now in this country? Before you answer that question for yourself, I have two links for you to review and consider…

1) Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

2) The Obama 4-year plan to remake America

Have a good day!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


My last post was about the global warming scam. There have been some interesting twists in that story in the last week or so. And while I hope that we can focus on and defeat the freedom depriving, economy killing Obamination that the democrat health-care reform plans represent ,we must also keep our eye on the “climate change” ball if we want to remain free.

Here are some links to information on “climategate”. Now, your radical friends and family members will continue to cling to the lie that man is causing so much damage to the planet’s environment that we will be facing catastrophe in the near future. This theory has never been proven. There have been many reputable scientists questioning the “science” that Al Gore says is settled… and now, new evidence surfaces that the books have been cooked, so to speak, by the very progressives that want to tell us how much energy we can use and how to live our lives.

I will start off with the first article I saw on this subject on Friday November 20.

Climate skeptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists

Next, here is a recent blog post by George Monbiot, who is a leftist moon bat who believes that drastic action coupled with strong political will is needed to combat global warming. Monbiot has written that climate change is the "moral question of the 21st century" and that there is little time for debate or objections to a raft of emergency actions he believes will stop climate change. Here he writes about the hacked emails of pro-climate change researchers and the bungled response from that camp.

Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go

Next is a piece from Gerald Warner, another Brit who appears to lean more to the right politically. His take is good news, that BO’s Cap n Tax plans may be disrupted by the climategate episode. Let’s all hope so…

Climategate e-mails sweep America may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade

Here are several more links to this unfolding story to help inform you and keep you up to date.

Climate Emails Stoke Debate

Lord Lawson calls for public inquiry into UEA global warming data 'manipulation'

Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon

Rigging a Climate 'Consensus'

And now, here are links to stories about this that hit closer to home…

White House Science Czar Involved in Climategate

Obama faces delicate balancing act on climate

Here is that criminal clown, Al Gore. This is a piece that demonstrates how to manipulate data, in this case a series of photos, to fit your theory. The progressives are masters at this. When the facts do not fit the theory, alter the facts and not the theory.

With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

Finally, here is a hoot for you. With the evidence mounting that this whole “global warming” or “climate change” crisis is nothing more than another method that the wealthy elites are using to take over the world and force their “solutions” on us common folk, Al Gore writes an editorial, co-authoring it with a manager of an investment house about the need for “long-term” thinking to solve this problem. Note that Gore and Blood blame the current global financial crisis on short term thinking by capitalists. WRONG! How about we start pointing the finger at the real culprit for this disaster; that being progressivism which leads to government “solutions” to non-existent problems. Do the research for yourself and you will see how the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act became the foundation for the house of cards that was the “sub-prime” lending industry. Does this scenario sound familiar?

Time is up for short-term thinking in capitalism

Have you noticed that the state controlled media have not really covered this story, except for a few items at this point on FOX news? Most of this information which we need to hear is originating in Great Britain! But of course, there is no leftist bias in out news industry. Perish the thought.

Until next time, stay alert as our domestic enemies are everywhere and they never give up trying to transform America into their vision of Utopia… with them at the top of the food chain of course. The 2010 mid-terms are less than a year away and hopefully we can vote all of the progressives, whether republican or democrat, out of office!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


In separate correspondence I have passed along some recent information about the upcoming climate change meeting in Copenhagen. Many fear that the dear leader will sign the draft treaty that establishes the framework for a global governmental entity and thus reduce or even eliminate American sovereignty and the Constitutional protections we have. I believe that is a realistic fear given there is a Marxist in the White House who is surrounded by other radicals right now.

Clinton: No Binding Climate Deal at Denmark Talks

Keep in mind that many reputable researchers and scientists’ dispute that CO2 is a cause of climate change and also that the argument that man is causing catastrophic changes are based solely on computer models. Now comes along a study that seems to demonstrate that the earth absorbs CO2 levels at seemingly astounding rates. This new study says that since 1850 the balance between absorbed and free CO2 in the atmosphere has been almost constant despite a rapid increase in CO2 levels caused by our addiction to fossil fuels. To give this some context, while the industrial revolution started in England around 1733, with the introduction of the first cotton mill, many place the birth of fossil fuel use on a large scale around 1885. That was the year that coal passed wood as a primary energy source.

Controversial new climate change results

As stated before, the climate change movement that has evolved from a radical fringe movement into mainstream America over the past couple of decades though constant propaganda and school indoctrination is not about saving the planet. It is all about power, money and control. This comment about the above article (“controversial”) spells it out pretty well:

“Whether or not climate change is manmade is irrelevant. In fact, it doesn't even matter if the world is heating up cooling down, or staying the same - because climate change is all about IDEOLOGY, and climate change legislation is how to FORCE that ideology on everyone else. The wealthy love climate change laws because they allow the upper classes to live at current levels of consumption at the expense of the middle and lower classes. It is a redistribution of both wealth and liberty from the lower classes to the upper classes and elites, who will then govern the rest on behalf of "mother earth."

If one accepts the premise that the Cap n Trade legislation is another Trojan horse, just like the healthcare reform bills, and the real purpose is to move us toward socialism (the intermediate step to communism), then there is a realistic example of what this country may look like after the Obama/Progressive Wrecking Crew gets done “transforming” America. Cast your eyes to South America for a look at our future in a command-and-control centralized economic system that is being established in this county as you read this.

Blackouts Plague Energy-Rich Venezuela

More evidence that the real reason for the push for Cap n Trade is to empower government is in the article below. Just like the progressives, to keep slipping in provisions in these massive bills so that the American people don’t know about it until it is passed into law. Do we as a free people want to give this kind of power to the federal government? I sure as heck don’t. I fear this government…

Climate bill's 'emergency provision' gives Obama strong-man powers UPDATED!

Other actions that governments are contemplating are right out of 1984. In Britain there is this:

Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'

And in the Netherlands, there is this:

Netherlands to levy 'green' road tax by the kilometer

Back in August, Robert Ferguson penned this editorial for American Thinker. It is spot on for the reason that the elites are pushing this agenda.


And there is this about the climate change agenda from NewsMax also from August.

Energy Expert: 'Cap and Trade' a Leftist Plot

Even if one buys into the scam and you think that man is rapidly destroying the planet, there are better ways to implement change in fuels than Cap N Tax. Take 10 minutes to watch the following video made by two apparently rouge EPA attorneys who are experts.

Obama Team Threatens EPA Staff For Climate Dissent

There are encouraging developments however. Recent polling indicates that more Americans do not believe that climate change is real than do. In addition we have the weather itself seemingly declaring that warming is not occurring. Of course the dedicated loons that believe in the UN propaganda will say that the UN climatologists are saying that this is just a pause before warming resumes. What horse squeeze. And to think America funds most of this nonsensical and biased “research”.

Chicago Sees Coldest July In 67 Years

I will leave you with two links that address this issue in a realistic way.

Global Climate Change Facts: The Truth, the Consensus, and the Skeptics

Not Evil Just Wrong challenges environmental claims

In any event, we must maintain our vigilance against all that this government is trying to do to “transform” America. I have already written my Senators as the next battle on climate change will be in that body. I suggest you do the same. Here is what I told them.

Dear Senator,

Please do not even think of ratifying the Copenhagen Climate Treaty. This is all about the transfer of America’s wealth to other countries and the loss of our sovereignty. The treaty has nothing to do with stopping climate change. It has not even been proven, or even satisfactorily demonstrated to a majority of American’s satisfaction that man is impacting the climate. There has been no real debate about this issue. This proposed treaty will lead to socialism and a world dictatorship and is contrary to, if not an outright violation of your oath of office. Thank you.


Until next time, keep your eyes and ears open. Our domestic enemies are everywhere!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Unless you were without a TV, internet connection or radio this week, you have heard all of the commotion about the pending sale of the St Louis Rams NFL Team. The first link below displays the double standard that is political correctness and how it is being used as a blunt instrument to stop all dissent. This type of force can be called a number of names; Statist, Marxist, Socialist or a Dictatorship but whatever you call it, it is UNAMERICAN. The theme of this post is simply that our internal enemies in the White House and Congress want to shut you up if you oppose their plans. I will begin with a quote, a comment about that news item that will offer you the theme of today’s post…

“Stalin didn't tolerate differing opinions either. The difference between American Bolsheviks and Russian Bolsheviks is the second amendment and the fact they haven't found a way to grab all the guns.” – posted by Growltiger.


The person who posted the above statement is dead on target. Bolsheviks he says? What In our country? Bolsheviks he says? Bolsheviks In our government? I think that most Americans today would respond to this accusation with “oh come on, that’s crazy talk”. However, I believe the end of our freedom is in sight if we The People do not stand up to, and defeat this politically correct tyranny and soon.

It is sad that so many American citizens still do not seem to get it. The sorry episode that we witnessed this past week, the false outrage about such a “divisive figure” as Rush Limbaugh participating in a bid to purchase an NFL team is another example of the tyranny YOU will face in the near future. The double standard the progressives employ is astounding! That arrogant, stupid bimbo “Representative” Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas getting up on the floor of the House to attack a private citizen further illustrates the case that political correctness is being used to stifle opposing views.


Bolsheviks I say? Oh come on that’s crazy talk.

Want more examples? What about the war that the Obama White House has declared on FOX News. Anita Dunn, the administrations shill (excuse me, I mean communications director) made the statement that FOX News is really nothing more than an organ of the Republican Party and that they spread lies and misinformation. Further that the administration will treat them as an “opponent”. Gee, there can’t by ONE cable channel with an opposing view to Obama’s? Why aren’t MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc considered extensions of the Democrat party, which they so obviously are? Check this out.


Anita Dunn also had this to say to some high school students this past June. Of course, there is no communist indoctrination going on in our public schools… Check it out.


Bolsheviks I say? Oh come on that’s crazy talk.

Need more examples? Okay. Then there is the Obama FCC Diversity Czar. He thinks that Hugo Chavez is a great guy and doing wonderful things down south in Venezuela. You know the Chavez I mean, the one that is “President for Life” in that banana republic to our south. He is doing really innocent things like using his power to shut down radio stations with opposing views. I can’t wait for that to happen here can you? What fun! Check this out.


Bolsheviks I say? Oh come on that’s crazy talk.

Then let us also look at how the Congressional Black Caucus looks at communism. They think that Cuban communism is wonderful under the Castro brothers. You know how wonderful it is down there. Why one of the black caucus members said she witnessed freedom of travel, freedom of religion and freedom of speech when she was there. How wonderful! I wonder if we will have those same freedoms after they implement Communism here. Oh, and I wonder why people still try to flee Cuba in makeshift boats to get to America. I bet they would not try so hard if they knew what was coming to this country.


Bolsheviks I say? Oh come on that’s crazy talk. Let’s see now, the federal government has accomplished the following since our dear leader, Barrack Hussein Obama ascended to the glorious seat of power.

• Took over many of our banks and financial institutions
• Took over 2 of the big 3 auto makers, screwed the secured creditors and rewarded the UAW
• Is now setting pay for certain companies that received bailouts and has plans on expanding this to companies that have not accepted federal dollars
• Passed a trillion dollar “stimulus” that is doing nothing more than transferring wealth to BHO’s and Congressional political allies
• Gave some of our tax dollars to Hamas
• Gave some of our tax dollars to the family of Kaddafi
• Began indoctrinating our kids in public schools on the wonders of Obama, communism and the faults of capitalism

Are the above accomplishments American? Maybe if you are a progressive they are…

Let’s also not forget the progressive plans for a government takeover of healthcare and the cap N’ tax plan working its way thru the Senate. I can’t’ wait for these fabulous pieces of legislation to become law can you?

Who is this healthcare reform effort going to benefit? The SEIU will benefit as well as ACORN and the left’s other constituents that’s who. But YOU will be forced to buy health coverage or pay a fine, overweight people will be punished with higher rates, older people will be “put down” because their lives are not worth expending money on and possibly your access to healthcare will be politicized. If you are a conservative or disagree with the government you may have to wait longer or just be denied services. Why not, this is the way it is in communist countries. Your behavior will be molded to fit what the elitists in power think it should be. If you don’t like it just die will you?


When cap and trade is passed, more wealth will be distributed to BHO’s and the Congressional allies and their useful idiots of the left. Those that produce will have to adjust to paying a lot more for energy while the likes of Al Gore and GE make billions. Oh, and the looters will get “tax credits” to help them defray their rising costs. You and I will have to tighten our belt and live within our shrinking means while the looters live large at our expense of course. If you think that the reason that the left and the environmental movement are pushing this is to save our planet I have some property for sale I want to talk to you about. These plans are simply about enhancing their power and control my friends, power and control.



This is happening in America folks. I know that for most of us who are aware it appears we are in a waking nightmare. Unfortunately this is real. And it had better be stopped in 2010 or where will this country end up? I don’t think that the history of communism is being taught in school these days. That history has probably been expunged from the curriculum by the NEA as it shows that the results of that form of government are not pretty. Communist governments have killed millions of their own citizens, with one estimate putting the number as high as 110 million people EXTERMINATED. Just Google it and see for yourself while you have a free internet to do the research. Do we really want to go there? Where is Joe McCarthy when we really need him?

Bolsheviks I say? Oh come on that’s crazy talk. I will leave you with this, a well done video about our very own communists in our very own Congress…



Saturday, September 26, 2009


I believe that most thinking people respect and trust John Stossel, who after a long period of work at ABC on 20/20 has recently moved to Fox News.

I also believe that the vast majority of the productive citizens of this country do not want any part of the government being more involved in their healthcare than they already are.

In fact, I believe that the vast majority of productive citizens of this country made their negative thoughts and feelings about the democrat healthcare reform proposals, as well as a host of other issues, very clear during the August Congressional recess culminating in a massive march on Washington DC on September 12th.

However, as usual BO, congressional democrats and the “fringe media” as GB now calls them, (that would be MSNBC aka Mighty Silly News By Communists, CNN aka Communist News Network, NBC aka Nothing But Communism, ABC aka American Brand Communism, CBS aka Communist Broadcasting System, The New Yuk Times and The Washington Compost, to name a few) ignore the protests and/or try to marginalize them. The vehement protests that were conducted around the country do not necessarily mean that productive Americans do not want reform, just not their version of reform.

But to get back to John Stossel and healthcare reform, check out the link below.

ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan

Are there any more questions? If you don’t have any I do. One of the biggest questions about this whole administration is what is the rush? In this case, is it truly because we have a healthcare crisis? I don’t think so. I believe the rush is to jam this down the American people’s throats as quickly as possible because every day that passes brings more awareness of how un-American their plans are. Here is an article that supports this conclusion.

Democrats Deny GOP Bid to Put Health Bill Online

Now, why in the world would the democrats not want us to see their legislation if it was such a good piece of work and it is going to fix the healthcare “crisis”. Here is Rush Limbaugh’s take which I believe outlines the Democrat motives… control of the American people.

Limbaugh: Democrats Aim to Control People's Lives

If you have not contacted your congressmen and senators yet to voice your opinion, I urge you to do so as quickly as possible. Here again is a link to help you get started.

I have sent the following message to 38 democratic Senators so far and hope to get it out to the balance of the democrats in the near future. It does not matter that I do not live in their states. The democrats are proposing vast changes to the healthcare system that will impact ME and MINE as well as YOU and YOURS. If one or more Senators are a bit more concerned about their jobs it may help at least slow down or even stop this madness from becoming law. 2010 will be a defining moment in our future and we can help decide which path we take as a nation. The question is will there be more government and less freedom or more freedom and less government. I of course favor the latter course and suspect that you do as well.

Feel free to plagiarize or use my message in its entirety, but please get involved and speak out if you have not been vocal with your opinion up to this point.

Dear Senator,

There is no health care crisis, except for the one manufactured by those that want to further erode the liberty of the American people.

There are approximately 10 to 12 million Americans that are chronically uninsured. That and the area of increasing costs are the areas that need to be addressed; the whole system does not need an overhaul that inserts more government into the process.

Here are the areas that I and millions of my fellow Americans want addressed that will help resolve the uninsured and affordability issues.

1. Tort reform. Please examine the reforms that Texas implemented in the recent past and the positive results for their state as a good example to consider and follow.

2. Work with the states to eliminate coverage mandates so basic health insurance is available.

3. Amend the tax code to give individuals and families the same tax deductions for health insurance premiums that employers now have to help offset the cost.

4. Portability. Health insurance should go with the employee when they change jobs.

5. Expand the use of HSAs.

6. Pre-existing conditions. Forcing the insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions without the ability to charge appropriate premiums and spread the risk will most likely drive insurers from the market place. Rather, form either federal or state pooling arrangements where private insurers participate together and contribute to the pool to help cover these people. Add some modest federal tax subsidies to close any financial gap.

The President’s recent speech of Wednesday September 9, 2009 offered nothing but the same old tired rhetoric, not solutions. We don’t believe for a minute that his $900 billion plan as outlined will be satisfactory to the people that have insurance and pay the bills for America.

We object to further government mandates such as fines for being uninsured. We reject additional payoffs to unions which are already tucked into the bills written by the various committees. We object to the rush to pass legislation of this magnitude. I personally do not trust the President or you for that matter, to do the right thing without the strict oversight of the American people.

In 2010 I and many others will be voting and we are communicating and working with patriots across state lines. Keep that in mind. I suggest that you bend to the popular will and use the private sector to resolve the uninsured and cost containment problems. Your party and the special interests involved with you such as the SEIU are way off base.


I will close out this post by leaving a quote from an anonymous comment I found regarding a recent news article about the progressive movement. It is pretty right on.

“The vast majority of leftists are simply too naive or stupid to see what's happening. They're like a bunch of feral hogs rooting around an oak tree for acorns. Once the acorns are all eaten, they continue to root for more until they destroy its roots and kill the tree. Then they'll wonder why there aren't any more acorns.”

Take action and pass the word.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Are most of the media covering up massive corruption in the granting and use of our tax money? Of course they are….

Evidence of media bias and complicity in this criminal behavior is rampant. The media needs to be held accountable for covering up activities that they personally agree with but are either treasonous or just plain criminal in nature. Here are several notable examples of media complicity and cover up in this case about the Van Jones “Green Czar” controversy.

Van Jones Draws Support from News Outlets Reluctant To Cover Controversy

After the Van Jones controversy, on September 10th a video of ACORN staff “allegedly” violating tax and other laws was revealed to the world on Breitbart’s Big Government website, the Glen Beck Show and other FNC time slots. On the morning of September 11th I checked the other news outlets to see if they had picked up the story and how they were treating it.

To their credit CNN picked up the story, posted it as the top headline on their website and reported on the story. Their treatment was of course kid gloves… for instance the independent film producer was described as a “conservative activist” while ACORN was described in the normal leftist terms of endearment but they did point out that the group has been under investigation for voter registration fraud and was pro-Obama.

Acorn Workers Caught On Tape Allegedly Advising on Prostitution

CBS news site did not mention the story. The same was true of MSNBC and NBC, which is to be expected as they are nothing less than propaganda machines for BO and Company. ABC did pick up the story. It was way down the list and was a brief piece that just laid out the Fox News story and the firing of the 2 ACORN employees with the usual denial by the group that the employees represented.

ACORN Fires Two After Hidden –Camera Footage Aired

If you have not seen the video of the sting on ACORN, click below. All sorts of ACORN info is on the site for you to read and view.


This is the real ACORN. Take a close look America. This is a picture of what your country will look like after four or 8 years of this administration and a democrat controlled congress. The question is this; do you want this country to become a cesspool of crime, intimidation, thought and speech control and hopelessness like all other big government societies?

After a second video of a sting on the group in Washington D.C. ACORN was sent a letter by the Commerce Department ob 9/11/09 severing ties with the group for purposes of the 2010 Census. This is good news but we need to remain vigilant as nothing is ever as it seems with this Administration.

Don’t doubt for a minute that major felonies have been committed by Obama and his cronies and we must push this thru the mid-terms so that the next congress will have an “incentive” to investigate this mess. BO promised to “transform” America. I think and believe this means turning America into a statist type of nation with him at the top. He has violated the Constitution and his oath of office numerous times in his short presidency. If this is not defined as treason, what is?

As for ties to ACORN, BO is in bed with this group despite his protests to the contrary. ACORN helped get him elected. See some of the links below for interesting video of “the one” addressing them and what he promises. Not involved with ACORN? They must think we are idiots!


Obama Answers Questions from Street Agitators Pt1

I think the next step is for all of us to make our legislators lives miserable by bombarding them with our demands for a full investigation of ACRON and all related groups, prosecutions where warranted and a GUARANTY that ACORN will get no more federal funds on top of the $53 million that we already know of. They are eligible for, some say, up to another $8.5 billion from the porkulous bill, passed over our strong objections in February. That must not happen and we need to continue to apply grassroots pressure and hold Washington accountable. Call them. Write them letters. Email them. And most importantly use facts to change the minds and hearts of the useful idiots that still insist BO is a great president. Do not give up . Below is the link of a helpful website in this regard.

Keep on waking up America. I watched the 9/12 Project's march on the capital today. Many pissed off Americans descended on the capital and gave the politicians a piece of their mind. The official number of protesters was put at 60,000 although the number looked larger than that. I hope that the moderate and conservative Democrats finally see the light and help us stop this president from destroying our great Republic. And to all Republicans in Congress, I for one want you to reamain the party of “NO”!

Until the next post, take care.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am still puzzled why so many people voted for Barrack Obama and a Democratic majority. Did they not recognize the great danger this man and his party posed to freedom and capitalism? When one party is in charge of all 3 branches of our government there is historical evidence that they will negatively impact our country. A lot of what we are facing now was started by President Bush.

This President’s radical roots were revealed to the nation during the campaign. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis and others were discussed by his opposition. What did voters think he meant when Obama said he was going to transform this nation? The danger signs were plentiful and present for all to see and yet, because of a weak opposing candidate, a half century of social engineering in our schools and a supportive news media the American people marched off the cliff like lemmings. It is a shame that today we are nation of Idol Worshippers.

We know now that he meant to transform us into something other than a free society. The progressives envision a country ruled by a combination of the elites in academia, big business, the media, labor unions and radical organizations. A country where there was equality of outcomes, not equal opportunity. The progressives dream about a country where the individual must conform to society and be told how to live by them as they know better. Of course, being the elite they will live much better than we do. An example of this is healthcare. They have a roll Royce plan and have no intentions of changing it or suffering the plan they force on us. If they are successful in ever getting single payer passed the rest of us will have a used Studebaker for a plan.

Now we are a bit more than seven months into the new Administration and new Congress and the signs that this nation are in deep trouble are VERY apparent. The economy is still shrinking, unemployment is increasing and the government is printing money and digging us into debt like there is no tomorrow. Waste and corruption in government is growing exponentially. Just look at the payoffs to the unions and ACORN just to name two examples. The power and intrusiveness of the federal government is expanding. And most frightening, this is all out in the open.

This is quickly becoming a country where the only free speech will be the words and ideas that fit the progressive’s politically correct framework of social justice. Congress is rushing legislation through because of this crisis or that crisis and is not reading the bills that many think are not even written by them and their staff. At some point if we proceed on the same trajectory there will be no free speech and you will have to hide your thoughts from your neighbors. It will soon be 1984 and George Orwell just missed the timing by a couple of decades. I may even be singled out for daring to question the Presidents motives and plans,

I personally never trusted BO. He was too slick, spoke in generalities and platitudes and had an answer for everything. His supporters called, and still call him “brilliant”. Where was this wonderful track record? He had none. It is a shame that such a “brilliant” man seems to hate most things the vast majority of Americans cherish about this country. The hypocrisy of this President, his Administration and the progressives in Congress and the media is breathtaking. Take their reaction to the death of Ted Kennedy as just a recent example.

Ted Kennedy was a killer who got away with a heinous crime due to a powerfully connected family. Not only was this crime overlooked by a great many in our country, his other personal habits such as drunkenness and sexual assaults were as well. Instead, he was considered the “Liberal Lion of the Senate” that had done so much good for our country. What good? In his 47 years in government he took money from productive people and transferred it to those that are lazy, slothful and ignorant. He built an impregnable power base in Massachusetts. He in large part led the charge to open our borders to illegal immigration. He is a millionaire but I doubt the little people will receive any of his estate. Note that the “evil rich” are never the progressive rich. If there ever was a poster child for term limits on congress, Ted Kennedy is it.

Here is a portion of his legacy: Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. During a floor speech in support of this bill he said and I quote: "First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." What a great American!

All this leads me to this; the day after the November 2008 election I wrote this as a note to myself:


November 5, 2008

Now that the election is over, here are some predictions (not in any order or specific time).

1) If you live in a right to work state, the state laws will be superseded by a federal law when the secret ballot is killed to implement the union card check process by Congress.

2) The unemployment rate will increase to heights not seen since the 1930’s after all the new taxes are levied.

3) Free speech will be a thing of the past. First the “fairness doctrine” will be pushed through so the only information the public gets is the left’s indoctrination.

4) Any resistance to BO’s policies will be said to be racist further eroding free speech.

5) A catastrophic event will occur, such as another 9/11. This will be used to justify the declaration of Marshall Law to be enforced by the new civilian security force thereby ending civil liberties.

6) There will be trials of conservatives and others that caused resistance to the left’s agenda, convictions will lead to executions of these individuals.

7) Easier immigration and voter registration laws will lead to more voting fraud and stolen elections by the left, thereby effectively cutting off any peaceful road back to power for the right.

Give it 4 years and most of the above will occur.

Was I crazy to predict such dire consequences? History clearly says “no”. The evidence that most of these things are coming down the tracks toward us quickly is pretty clear now. The President has amassed so much power in seven months it is truly frightening. The Constitution is being ignored and individual liberties are disappearing in the guise of compassion and helping the “little guy”. The only real growth is occurring in Washington D.C. and in the federal government. What a surprise! Here are some items to think about.

1) Healthcare reform. This, as you know, represents somewhere in the vicinity of 15-20% of our GDP. Yet the House version HR3200 sprang out of nowhere. My congressman stated during a recent teleconference that he never even had an opportunity to see the bill in the drafting stage. All 1,000+ pages were introduced into his committee the day it was to be voted on. He does not know who drafted the legislation but does not think it was the democrats or their aids…. This is obviously not about health or care. It is all about control and the transfer of wealth.

Stop and Think
The mindset behind Obamacare seeks to create a new America.

Why Won't ABC and NBC Run This Ad?

2) Cap and Trade. I did not mention this or predict that this would be introduced so quickly. Man made climate change has not been proven, yet we are racing toward a so called “solution” that will increase unemployment, create a new series of hidden taxes for every good and service produced in this country and cause a great deal of further harm to our economy. Another transfer of wealth plan is all this is. You want further evidence? How about Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar and Carol Browner, Climate Change Czar, both advisers in the Obama administration. Jones is an avowed communist and Browner involved with the International Socialist Party. Why are they advising the President? What are they advising him to do?

Czars & Regs: Danger in


3) Hate crimes legislation. This has already been passed as an amendment to another bill. The media never mentioned it as it was under the radar. This will have a chilling effect on speech and creates special protected classes of people in our legal system. How does this improve the country?

Amendment No. 1539 “Hate Crimes”

4) Card Check. On the back burner now but I am sure it will be pressed as soon as some of their other nefarious priorities are met. After all, the head of the SEIU is a close advisor to the President on Health Care and other issues. An x-AFL-CIO guy now heads up the New York Federal Reserve; I believe this is an appointee of the President. Do you see a pattern here?


5) Freedom of speech issues. the site to snitch on your neighbor, the government placing tacking cookies on private citizen’s computers and now a bill that will give the White House ultimate authority to control “critical infrastructure”, meaning communications and the Internet, in the event of a self-defined cyber attack. Also, the hiring of Frank Lloyd as the FCC Diversity Advisor, a guy who is in love with Hugo Chavez’s Socialist revolution in Venezuela. He wants to shut down any opposition to the Progressives agenda. This is helpful to robust debate, free speech and liberty?

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

FCC 'Diversity' Chief Asked Liberals to Fight Limbaugh

Who Is Mark Lloyd?

6) We are now hearing commentary from many progressive talking heads that any resistance to the President’s agenda is “racist”. This was predictable. The guy who was supposed to transcend race and bring us together uses race as a weapon. Surely he does not say many racial things directly, but who do you think is orchestrating the attack dogs?

Notes from the post-racial presidency

7) We are hearing more and more of the impending swine flu epidemic this winter. The CDC has pushed back against the White House prediction of 90,000 deaths and millions ill. But is this the beginning of a set up so Marshall Law can be implemented plausibly? Or what about the deliberate weakening of our security by undermining the moral at the CIA with a witch hunt? Is this just political partisanship or something more sinister such as promoting another terror attack? And if so, the question is how do we trust a bunch of liars and communist radicals that have written and spoken about destroying our current system of freedom and capitalism? If Constitutional protections are suspended, what then?

Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?

8) Gun Control. There are several bills working their way thru Congress as this is written, If they take our guns away, they can do anything they want to us.

HR45 – More feel good gun control legislation sponsored by the

What do we do? I have stated before, as have others, don’t look at the party, as both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Look at where the candidates stand. Look not at what they say but what they have done. Vote for like minded individuals. Push good people that you know to run as Independents in local and national elections and be prepared to back them with your money while you still have it. Challenge the incumbents in your state and district. Ask tough questions and demand straight answers. In my view, we have only one opportunity to end this “revolution” that the country did not bargain for and that is November 2010.

The normal, average, everyday citizens have begun to wake up. You can see it in the Town Hall meetings across the country. If you live in a district with a democrat representative, a state with democrat senators, contact them and ask the tough questions and demand answers. Demand a freeze on new legislation and spending. Demand they stand up to the President and his Progressive allies for the good of the country. Let them know that either they are for you or against you. If they do not answer, or do not answer to your satisfaction, they are against you. Then tell them in no uncertain terms you will vote them out of office next election. We must hold these people accountable. NOW! Get involved, make contacting them and telling them where you stand on all of these issues a daily exercise. If we do not act peacefully to take back our country now, we may never have another opportunity. Let’s end this progressive revolution with a revolution by Real Americans!

Feel free to send links to this post as far and wide as possible to like minded individuals. Ask them to pass it on. It is our responsibility to act. If we do nothing, the consequences will be frightening.

Until next time, stay strong, stay active, stay aware and SPEAK OUT FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Freedom versus Tyranny

In the prior two posts we have looked at one of the basic premises about why we need reform, which proponents say is to assist the large number of uninsured. We then looked at the spin about a key provision of the Democratic proposals that you can keep the private coverage that you have if you like it and want to. In this post we will examine the public’s reaction to the healthcare overhaul proposals that are making their way through Congress, and how our rights to assembly and free speech are being infringed by both major parties. The trend toward socialism in America may have started under President Bush as many have said (actually it started many years before), but it has really accelerated since President Obama took office…the joke is on us for trusting politicians, of either party, to do what is in the best interests of the citizens,

Below is the definition of the word “debate”.
–verb (used with object)
1. to argue or discuss (a question, issue, or the like), as in a legislative or public assembly: They debated the matter of free will.
2. to dispute or disagree about: The homeowners debated the value of a road on the island.
3. to engage in formal argumentation or disputation with (another person, group, etc.): Jones will debate Smith. Harvard will debate Princeton.
4. to deliberate upon; consider: He debated his decision in the matter.
5. Archaic. to contend for or over.

Ask yourself a question. Based on the definition of the word, has there really been debate about healthcare reform? The subject has been in the news to be sure, but almost always with the slant that this is something we must do quickly for the sake of the nation. Remember BO wanted this done before the congressional summer recess. Rush, rush, rush there is no time to waste. Thank goodness we were able to derail that time table.

In order to have a true debate all sides must be able to present information and express their viewpoints in a deliberative fashion. Currently, just one side’s proposals have really been heard. The Progressives wonderful plan full of restrictions, rules, bureaucrats and punishments has been trumpeted as the answer to the problem. We are expected to reach a foregone conclusion that we must accept the government’s takeover plan as quickly as possible or the country will start suffering the consequences. Triple A recently gave a very mixed message, saying first he will listen to all ideas and then saying he wants all those who dissent on this issue to get out of the way and then accuse them of causing this mess. This was all in the same speech! I bet BO would just like America to blindly accept all of these policies as he is so much smarter than the average Joe Six Pack…


But some of the facts about the progressive plans are leaking out despite the efforts of the spin masters in the administration and the state controlled media to portray their ideas as benign. Some ordinary citizens are now reading the actual proposals being discussed in Congress. Evidence of this is the number of questions being asked about, and the statements of opposition being made to this plan at meetings across the country. Isn't it surprising, and frightening that normal Americans often know more about HR 3200 than their members of Congress? The problem is a large majority apparently doesn’t want change and are happy with the coverage they now have. Here are some recent polls that support this contention.

Health Reform and the Polls
Obama’s biggest obstacle is the 68% of voters who rate their health coverage as good or excellent.

32% Favor Single-Payer Health Care, 57% Oppose

As we are supposed to do, we join our elected officials in meetings where we would like to get some questions answered and make our voices heard. It doesn’t appear that Washington really wants to hear us out. Below are some links to recent videos and articles about town hall meetings where some disagreed with healthcare reform in pretty strong terms. I have also included some of the videos of the spin masters who are calling these events, “astroturf”, orchestrated, etc.

Kathleen Sebelius & Arlen Specter called out!

More Town Hall Opposition! Watch This!

Man Yells at House Majority Leader: 'You're Lying to Me!'

Sebelius, Specter Get Heckled at Town Hall

Hodes: Reading Every Bill “Not Realistic”

Democratic Lawmakers Get an Earful on Health Care Reform

'Get the Gov't the Hell Outta Our Way!' Blue Dog Town Hall Gets Heated

Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan

MSNBC in Full Court Press To Smear the Town Hall Protesters

Glenn Beck: The Tea Party the Media Ignored


Protests, passions roiling town hall meeting on health care

Violence Erupts At Rep. Castor's Town Hall In Tampa


Is this outrage “manufactured” as the Progressive’s would have you believe? I personally do not think so. I know that I am not a “plant” from the health insurance industry. On a daily basis I encounter many small business owners that oppose the government takeover of healthcare. They do not tell me “I can’t wait for the Public Option so I can transfer my employee’s health care insurance costs to the taxpayer!” They realize that this is a wrong approach and that their employee’s healthcare, not to mention their own, will suffer.

The Progressive’s by and large control our media with the exception of FOX news, talk radio and the internet. They are upset that their “un-American” plan to control us has been exposed. Now they are going to do everything they can to take back the initiative including “packing” these events with SEIU and ACORN members to counter the growing concern and frustration of the average American.

The Progressives have to lie and discredit those that disagree with them. Force has to be used to impose their vision of America upon its citizens as it has not sold well in elections. That is, until a large percentage of the voters were hoodwinked by a smooth used car salesman with Marxist roots supported by a powerful Progressive Machine. And they will continue to lie to us about their real intentions to make us subservient to the political class. They will try to marginalize and discredit any that stand the way of their Utopian dream. A good example of this is below. It shows how the Progressives will do anything to discredit their opponents. It really sounds like Rob MacGuffie is a real big Republican operative! Not!

Think Progress, MSNBC 'Manufacture' a Story With Putative Smoking Gun 'Mob' Memo

When there is this type of government and media response to our dissenting voices from the political class... is it time to start being afraid of the government?

White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard'

Axelrod gives Dems their health talking points

Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls

The normal, average citizens are coming out to meetings with their elected officials to voice their frustration with Washington. Now they are being intimidated by union thugs of the SEIU. Has BO spoken out? No and his silence speaks volumes on where he stands. It looks like dissent is okay as long as it is coming from a progressive or progressive point of view. What hypocrisy!

I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton

This President is moving us fast to a place where America just does not want to go, not to mention the economics of the current situation. As a nation, we are afraid that the country that we know is being dismantled right in front of us. Many are afraid. Here are some examples of the direction that the progressives are giving to supporters of their healthcare takeover to offset real American outrage.

House Dem Health Care Cheat Sheet

Unions Join Fray in Health-Care Overhaul

Columnist Peggy Noonan makes the point with a recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal.

‘You Are Terrifying Us’

Today one of the real problems we face is our elected representatives, at many levels of government; seem to forget who they work for. They are mostly interested in maintaining their power and privileges. They know better than us. One of the questions that have been asked of Congress; are they willing to participate in the same plan that they design up for us? So far, they have all danced around that question and of course we know the answer. The real answer is not only “no”, but “hell no” they will not participate. What are we thinking? They are the elite and deserve better than the citizens that pay for their salaries and perks.

Now it looks like anyone that shows up at a Town Hall meeting and asks questions about the healthcare plans is automatically assumed to be a “plant” from some vast right wing conspiracy. Below is both a local and national view of one House member accusing a constituent of being such plant. Frankly, I am deeply ashamed of our elected officials. They live in a bubble inside the beltway and are disconnected with the citizens. Just because the Democrats won the election, that victory did not suspend our Constitutional protections.

U.S. Rep David Scott Loses Temper At Town Hall Meeting

Georgia Democrat yells at local doctor over health care

The elite really believe they know how to manage our existence than we do. Here is a good opinion piece on that issue to factor into all of the propaganda you encounter today.

They Think You Are Stupid: Why Resistance To Obamacare Is Growing Despite Intimidation and Slander

Thomas Jefferson was a wise, if imperfect man. A review of his words today is instructive. Here are 2 of his sayings to consider in the context of the healthcare non-debate.

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.”

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”

In summary, I believe that there is real fear and anger at government for even proposing a healthcare plan that in their gut many Americans feel is dangerous to their health and well being, not to mention their liberty. The anger is not manufactured. The operatives of the Progressives, those people that are professionally on the dole, have all the time in the world to protest. ACORN and the SEIU are great examples of organizations that use poor, ignorant Americans to do their dirty work. Remember the AIG bonus protest? These are the rabble rousers that are sucking this nation dry. In my opinion we must resist this government takeover of the healthcare system or we will not remain a free people.

Take care America, stay aware, be involved and stand your ground for what is right.


Saturday, August 8, 2009



On my last post we reviewed the numbers of citizens that do not have healthcare insurance coverage. While not scientific, I believe I demonstrated that there really are NOT 47 million American citizens that are uninsured using the governments own data. I put the number closer to 8% or around 24 million, which is still a big number to be sure. We should address this issue, but not in the manner being pushed by the current Administration, House and Senate. There are many free market, common sense solutions to this problem if that is what we really want to do as a nation. Most of the country is satisfied with their healthcare coverage, services and medical providers.

On this post, I want to demonstrate that at least some of what the proponents of the current reform efforts are saying is really propaganda. HR 3200 is one of several versions of competing bills in the House. Of course this is far from a final bill, which will have to be cobbled together from the various House bills and the Senate version as well. But I think this draft provides us with a window into the political elites’ motivations. The bill includes the framework for the new government healthcare bureaucracy, criteria that the private sector (soon to be extinct if Washington has its way) must comply with to continue providing coverage, the scope of that coverage, the premiums that they can charge for the coverage, punishments for non-compliance and also the dreaded public option. Here is a link to the bill, another 1,000+ page monstrosity that probably only a few people have read:

Let’s use the promise that those that have coverage now can keep it to begin investigating what we hear from the left about this plan. BO himself has promised, not just once but several times that if you like the insurance you have now you can keep it. Well, maybe that will be the case initially, but not permanently. Starting on page 16 of the bill, Section 102, which in typical Orwellian fashion is entitled “Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage”, they define how current insurance plans will be “grandfathered”, subject to some onerous conditions.

1) New enrollments in the plans that are in existence now will not be permitted after reform goes into effect. I think what this means is if you were to change jobs after this is in effect you could not be placed into a new employers health plan.

2) If the employer’s health insurance terms and conditions are changed in any way, that plan is no longer grandfathered and I assume the plan is either discontinued or you must leave the plan.

3) The new Commissioner of this program will set premium rates for the grandfathered plans.

4) After a 5 year “grace-period the private plans must meet all of the requirements for a “qualified health benefit plan”.

Unless I miss my guess, these provisions are designed to eventually drive private insurers out of the market which would place more people in the public plan. I am not alone in this assessment of the plans provisions. See this opinion piece in IBD:

Now we have looked at the part of the bill regarding the provisions on keeping current coverage. This is only one issue of many the public is concerned about. I cannot emphatically state how many other parts of the bill we are being deceived about. But regarding this one issue my conclusion is the “one” is lying right to our faces. Why would he do this? Well, he probably realizes that the American people do not really embrace single payer healthcare. But this is what HE wants. He said it over the years and was recorded doing so. See the next link.

WH Fights Back Against 2007 Obama Video. You Be the Judge

Did you notice that in the second video, Linda Douglass never refutes that the President wants to move us to Universal Health Care? She just claims that he did not say what he said because the video was somehow edited and took triple A out of context. It looked like a series of clips yes. But taken out of context? And talk about heavy handed. The White House has asked people to pass along misinformation about Obama Care. The main ones spreading disinformation are the people trying to ram this down our throats, like the President himself.

In summary, with the last two posts we have seen that 1) a major premise of the healthcare overhaul is a distortion of fact and 2) a key provision, keeping the coverage you have now is not the intention of those in D.C. It is clear to me that healthcare reform is not about health or care, but taking absolute control of our lives and thus making us slaves of the state. If it was not it would simply address the problem of the currently uninsured. What the current approach is designed for is to take the next step toward socialized universal healthcare in the Canadian or English model. Make no mistake about it. The Progressives are patient and they never stop pushing for more and more control over the American people. They take our liberty away in small bites that we do not seem notice until we realize what is happening. I think that normal, average everyday Americans are waking up. Until next time, take care, stay aware and involved.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


The healthcare “crisis” is the main “news” we are hearing about now, and have heard about for decades. I just received my “personal” email from BO on this subject. But is the premise that there is a crisis correct and accurate? I don’t think so. One of the major underlying premises of this “crisis” is that there are a large number of Americans that do not have healthcare insurance coverage and/or access to medical care. The estimated numbers of the uninsured are all over the board but the favorite one cited by the career politicians and the state-controlled media is 47 million. So let’s use their number.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were an estimated 304 million people in the country as of July 2008. Assuming that the 47 million uninsured is correct, that means that roughly 15% of our citizens are uninsured. Let me ask you this. If you have a leak in your home’s roof, do you fix the roof or demolish the home and start afresh? Again, assuming that the numbers above are correct, it seems nonsensical to demolish the best healthcare system in the world when we could just fix the uninsured problem in other ways such as providing vouchers to low income families, etc. But no, the White House and Congress think it is best to rush through a draconian plan to control your medical treatment access. Why is that? My guess is the rush is to do it before you find out how bad this idea really is….

Now, let’s take a closer look at the estimated numbers of uninsured. Let’s review Census data contained in Table 6 which is titled “People without Health Insurance Coverage by Selected Characteristics: 2006 and 2007”.

According to the Census Bureau there were 45,657,000 uninsured people in the country in 2008. However, there were 9,737,000 people in that number that were “non-citizens”. Presuming that we all agree that we do not want to provide tax-funded healthcare to this sub-group of people, the number of uninsured is down to 39,920,000 which represent roughly 13% of the 2008 population.

Age and Income information is also listed in this table. The number of people between the ages of 18 to 24 is 7,991,000. This group of folks believes they do not need healthcare due to their age. Now, I am sure that there are a number of non-citizens in this number so for arguments sake, let’s just use 70% of them as US citizens for this analysis. That changes the estimated number of uninsured to around 30,326,000.

As to income, there are 9,115,000 that make $75,000 or more. These people can afford some basic health or medical insurance but apparently choose not to buy any. If we include only 70% of those that earn this level of income in our analysis, then the estimated number of uninsured is further reduced to 23,946,000 or roughly 8% of our total population.

I think that the 24 million I cited above is also an exaggerated number as many of those considered “uninsured” are simply between jobs. Now that we have looked at the numbers more closely, I think it is plain that this “crisis” is being created by the politicians and their allies in the media. Let’s focus on addressing the relatively small number of uninsured in a common sense fashion…

There is no doubt that our system can be improved, but I do not think that the legislation that is working its way through congress is the answer. Why not consider some other alternatives such as;

1) Eliminating government mandates on what type of coverage can be sold. Many states have policies that their state assemblies have packed with coverage that all people do not need. For example, many policies now have to provide for payment of services in regards to pregnancy. My wife and I do not need this coverage yet it is included in the group policy we pay for and cannot be deleted for a premium savings. Give the citizen more freedom of choice in purchasing just the coverage that they need and want.

2) Expand the use of Health Savings Accounts in conjunction with offering policies that cover only major illness and extended hospitalization. Let the citizen pay for routine visits and procedures out of pocket.

3) As long as we are stuck with this horrible income tax code, provide for the tax deductibility of premiums citizens pay for individual and family policies that they buy direct from a health insurance company. Then for those that are not offered insurance from an employer they get the same tax break as a company in buying health coverage.

4) For those with chronic illness and pre-existing conditions, form state run high risks pools. If premiums are not affordable, then maybe this is an area that can be addressed by a government assistance program.

There are many options that the political class and elites in the country are ignoring in their rush to pass a bill that will reduce our freedoms, harm our economy, increase taxes and degrade the quality of the healthcare we now receive. Below are some pertinent links on this topic of current news and opinion for your information. We have a short reprieve here in August to prevent the government from passing legislation that will be impossible to repeal once enacted, because entitlements never are…

CBO deals new blow to health plan

Senior Citizens Left Off Government’s Swine-Flu Vaccination Priority

Dems win approval of health bill in committee

House Democrats reach deal on healthcare bill

Reparations By Way Of Health Care Reform

Mr. President, what's the rush?

AP Sources: Senate group omitting Dem health goals

Blue Dogs: Healthcare Our Way Still Possible

No healthcare reform vote before autumn: Obama

Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare

Poll: Obama loses ground on health care

'They May Not Know What's Good for Them'

Until next time, take care. Stay aware and engaged as this government will enslave us if it can. Let your elected officials know where you stand on this issue. WE NEED AND DEMAND FREE MARKET SOLUTIONS, NOT MORE GOVERNMENT GENERATED PROBLEMS!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


This past week Americans celebrated the birth of this nation. Today it is important to realize that our freedoms hang in the balance more than ever. I apologize for the length of this week’s edition but felt compelled to include the full text our Declaration of Independence as a reminder to all. If we all do not take the time and make the effort to educate and persuade those people we know that are in the spell of progressivism, we will lose. Freedom will be taken from the silent

7/3 – I have never seen such outright disregard for the rule of law and corruption in an administration. This country should be outraged with what is happening in the capitol these days, and maybe we are seeing this outrage played out in the tea parties blossoming around the country. At some point, triple A and his cronies need to face criminal charges for all the long-term problems they are creating.
Oh to Be an Obama Czar!

7/2 – This coup in Honduras is an example of how wrong BO and his fellow progressives are about most things. I believe we can call this the inmates running the asylum… Read this and you will see that we should really consider supporting the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya , who was a buddy to Hugo the terrible Chavez. Triple A aligns the USA with the dictators of Cuba and Venezuela. Obama really wants to be a dictator too, and join their club.
The Wages of Chavismo

7/2 – As I was saying…. It is part of a pattern with good ole BO. The Mr. Zelaya of Honduras was trying to establish himself as president for life. This is a dream of Obama and his fellow progressives in this country as well. Can you even imagine more than eight years with this guy in the White House? What a nightmare.
Obama stands with tyrants

6/30 – Acorn under investigation? How shocking! Let’s hope that the local law enforcement community can get some momentum and then it may force Congress to act. These Acorn related groups should not have access to ANY tax money, should not participate in the 2010 Census and need to be broken up.
Judge to law enforcement: Go get ACORN

7/3 – Funny and true! It’s too bad it is on such an important topic…
Welcome to Obamacare Theater

7/1 – Oh yea, Sotomayer will do a great job supporting the Constitution and the rule of law…. Really?
Legal group's records tell little about Sotomayor

7/3 – Hope and change you can believe in. Maybe, if you voted for it in November.
Harsanyi: Welcome to the "hope" economy

7/4 – Are these people INSANE? Don’t they understand that the majority of the American people are getting fed up with the growth of government and debt? I really do believe that liberals are mentally ill…
Jobs Report Sign of Deeper Economic Trouble

7/4 – And the other side of the stimulus argument. The sane side, I might add…

7/4 – The main page of National Review online today caught my eye with the 50 things wrong with the cap and trade bill. Gee, that’s all that is wrong with this POS bill? Read on for yourself. The current bill also creates a new class of welfare recipients who are thrown out of work due to this legislation (see #45). Haven’t I called the current time we live in as bizzaro world? If this does not prove it I don’t know what does.
A Garden of Piggish Delights

7/5 – As we just celebrated the Independence Day Holiday, here is a reminder to all. It is time for a second Declaration!
The Declaration of Independence

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

6/3 – Is our main enemy from within? I believe so.
Government Growth Challenging Liberty this July 4th

6/28 – Oath Keepers is a wonderful organization. Take 10 minutes and watch this video. Then, if you can, donate because these are the people that will help protect us from the political class.
Oath Keepers – Ten Orders We Will Not Obey

6/5 – Here comes the rationing and “shared sacrifice”. We must use less electricity to save the planet and be like the rest of the world…. I’m glad it is happening in MO and KS to start with. It will give the rest of us a chance to see how it works out. Oh hope and change are great, aren’t they?
Analysis | With new charge, saving electricity could end up costing Missourians

7/1 – New York City has the “coolest June since 1958” according to the National Weather Service.
Public Information Statement

7/4 – The Russian news organ “Pravda” says BO is a “deceiver, cheat, swindler, liar, fraudster and con-artist”. I guess the editors over there don’t like him much.
Obama assured of a chilly Russian welcome despite first signs of thaw

7/6 – This is from a town with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. I have put a link below the story from the Chicago Encyclopedia. See how effective gun control laws are? Common sense says that if you take guns away from law abiding citizens, then you simply disarm them so the criminals can attack with abandon. Only a dope thinks that gun control saves lives and prevents crime…
Bloody Weekend: 8 Dead, Dozens Wounded

7/13 – BO must think he is a 3rd world dictator already. He is busy wrecking the private sector economy and grabbing power illegally. No wonder he is comfortable around the likes of Chavez.
The Triumph of Crony Capitalism

7/5 – Rumblings about cap and trade from a blue state. My my, what is the world coming to?
Green nonsense - The 'cap and trade' bill would cost much and deliver little

7/6 – And the government school production of marching morons in this country will continue as long as there are teachers unions and they are headed up by people like Randi Weingarten. Not to mention the guy that BO picked to head up the department of education.
A Union Promotion
An enemy of education reform gets kicked upstairs

7/5 – Speaking of education, it would be good for our society, especially the news media, to undergo ETHICS training. Why? It seems that acting unethically is no big deal any longer. Well I guess when you have an administration and congress that are totally unethical, then it is natural for the news media to thinks it’s okay to follow suit. The news media also thought that unethical behavior was fine during the election. Here is a message to journalists in all media; you are supposed to be watching out for the Ameican people by keeping an eye on the government, not getting in bed with them.
WaPo flier wasn't only 'salon' offer

7/7 – Here a conservative writes an essay from the perspective of a liberal/progressive. While the piece is outwardly humorous, the dark underlining is it is true. If the American people could actually hear the truth about BO and his cronies, Barney Frank and his love affair with Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae, etc. they would revolt. But the main stream, and now government controlled state run media, does not you to know the truth. The sub title of this piece is “The Republicans bring a knife to a gunfight, and lose again”. It’s time to get nasty with these traitors.
I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin

7/7 – This is good news. Hope the decision stands…
Judge Refuses to Reinstate Ward Churchill

7/7 – We can and we should arm ourselves. The progressives will stop at nothing to destroy a free America so they can tell us how to live with sacrifice, while they live in comfort because they are the elite.
Americans Arm Themselves Fearing New Gun Laws: Poll

7/7 – The campaign slogan (aka BO) and congress will still try to ram one thru, even though we are against it.
Poll: 60 Percent Oppose Another Stimulus Plan

7/7 – Where the hell is the news media on this scandal? Oh, I forgot that Murtha is a progressive and therefore immune to scandal even though he is a criminal…
Feds: Murtha-Linked Defense Contractor Took Kickbacks

7/6 – More on the media’s unethical behavior…But remember they say they definitely are not biased to the left. Hah! I even heard a democrat strategist on FOX News yesterday (7/10) that claimed BO’s job approval number was at 79.5% and no one on that show even challenged him. Not even the republican strategist! As of today(7/11) Gallup has that number at 58%, CNN/Opinion research is at 61% (see, and Newsweek (as you know a lefty news organ) has the number at 58% (see That’s a far cry from almost 80%. What breath taking spin. The problem is that most Americans believe it.

Bozell: Media Ignores Obama's Falling Polls

7/6 – Acorn. Maybe one day this organization will be destroyed. Hopefully it is before they destroy us. Can you believe that they still insist that they will be a part of the 2010 Census staring in April? Let your elected representatives know how what you think about that. It makes it critical to get the congress away from the democrats next November.
Experts: Did ACORN Elect Al Franken?

7/7 – This is very scary. Why is this incident NOT being classified as a hate crime? Has anyone seen anything about this incident on the news? Here we go again with another double standard. You may have heard the brouhaha over some inner city minority children that were asked to leave a private swimming facility in Philadelphia. The swimming pool was located in a white suburb. It was on FOX news this past week. Here is a link to one article.,2933,531281,00.html If you are interested in the details, just GOOGLE “The Valley Club in Huntingdon Valley” and you will get all sorts of information about this item. Senator Arlen Specter wants to investigate the incident. There is all sorts of outrage when minorities are affected, but not about a violent black on white attack. That’s okay? Apparently “hate” is a one way street. I thought we now lived in a post-racial time and triple A was going to bring us all together/?
Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

7/8 – We are heading for an economic train wreck. Gee, ya reckon? I wonder when this economist figured it out. Most of us knew it when Bush got suckered into TARP One by Henry Paulson.
Economist declares 'train wreck'

7/8 – The people in the Obama administration want to limit my rights, but they are fine with granting rights to people that want to kill me. That makes sense. Well it does if you are a progressive….
Obama's Assistant Attorney General Tells Senate: Terrorists Captured on Battlefield Have Constitutional Rights

7/8 – Outrage after outrage is being perpetrated on the American people. I thought that change meant more transparency in government. The people were promised at least 5 days to read legislation before BO signed it. Our elected representatives supposedly work for us but laugh when we ask them to read and understand that same legislation. There is all sorts of stuff that is going on behind the scenes that is not being reported in the state controlled news media; hate crime legislation, increased college tuition aid is going to be moved from the discretionary budget to the entitlement ledger and who knows what else. People wake up and get your family and friends educated quickly!
'Put nothing in writing,' Browner told auto execs on secret White House CAFE talks; Sensenbrenner wants investigation

Date Unknown – This is more of the same about the secrecy of this current administration. Even the LA Times is making some noise about it….
Joe Biden update: No 'private meetings,' just meetings closed to the press

7/10 – If you did not have a good enough reason to be against the cap ‘n trade bill that has passed the House and is now in the Senate, this should be it. Global government is the dream of the progressives. They long for the day when society is ordered along the lines that they dictate. The elite is so much smarter than we are we need them to help us live our lives. Global government will also mean a complete loss of freedom. This should give any rational person the desire to see this legislation defeated.
Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance'

7/10 – I will leave you with a bunch of nonsense about the internet and the environment. We have gone green crazy without any evidence, just the constant drum beat on this from the media. Shows you what control of the media will do for you…. We need more conservative media to counteract this.
Greening the Internet: How much CO2 does this article produce?