Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am still puzzled why so many people voted for Barrack Obama and a Democratic majority. Did they not recognize the great danger this man and his party posed to freedom and capitalism? When one party is in charge of all 3 branches of our government there is historical evidence that they will negatively impact our country. A lot of what we are facing now was started by President Bush.

This President’s radical roots were revealed to the nation during the campaign. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis and others were discussed by his opposition. What did voters think he meant when Obama said he was going to transform this nation? The danger signs were plentiful and present for all to see and yet, because of a weak opposing candidate, a half century of social engineering in our schools and a supportive news media the American people marched off the cliff like lemmings. It is a shame that today we are nation of Idol Worshippers.

We know now that he meant to transform us into something other than a free society. The progressives envision a country ruled by a combination of the elites in academia, big business, the media, labor unions and radical organizations. A country where there was equality of outcomes, not equal opportunity. The progressives dream about a country where the individual must conform to society and be told how to live by them as they know better. Of course, being the elite they will live much better than we do. An example of this is healthcare. They have a roll Royce plan and have no intentions of changing it or suffering the plan they force on us. If they are successful in ever getting single payer passed the rest of us will have a used Studebaker for a plan.

Now we are a bit more than seven months into the new Administration and new Congress and the signs that this nation are in deep trouble are VERY apparent. The economy is still shrinking, unemployment is increasing and the government is printing money and digging us into debt like there is no tomorrow. Waste and corruption in government is growing exponentially. Just look at the payoffs to the unions and ACORN just to name two examples. The power and intrusiveness of the federal government is expanding. And most frightening, this is all out in the open.

This is quickly becoming a country where the only free speech will be the words and ideas that fit the progressive’s politically correct framework of social justice. Congress is rushing legislation through because of this crisis or that crisis and is not reading the bills that many think are not even written by them and their staff. At some point if we proceed on the same trajectory there will be no free speech and you will have to hide your thoughts from your neighbors. It will soon be 1984 and George Orwell just missed the timing by a couple of decades. I may even be singled out for daring to question the Presidents motives and plans,

I personally never trusted BO. He was too slick, spoke in generalities and platitudes and had an answer for everything. His supporters called, and still call him “brilliant”. Where was this wonderful track record? He had none. It is a shame that such a “brilliant” man seems to hate most things the vast majority of Americans cherish about this country. The hypocrisy of this President, his Administration and the progressives in Congress and the media is breathtaking. Take their reaction to the death of Ted Kennedy as just a recent example.

Ted Kennedy was a killer who got away with a heinous crime due to a powerfully connected family. Not only was this crime overlooked by a great many in our country, his other personal habits such as drunkenness and sexual assaults were as well. Instead, he was considered the “Liberal Lion of the Senate” that had done so much good for our country. What good? In his 47 years in government he took money from productive people and transferred it to those that are lazy, slothful and ignorant. He built an impregnable power base in Massachusetts. He in large part led the charge to open our borders to illegal immigration. He is a millionaire but I doubt the little people will receive any of his estate. Note that the “evil rich” are never the progressive rich. If there ever was a poster child for term limits on congress, Ted Kennedy is it.

Here is a portion of his legacy: Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. During a floor speech in support of this bill he said and I quote: "First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." What a great American!

All this leads me to this; the day after the November 2008 election I wrote this as a note to myself:


November 5, 2008

Now that the election is over, here are some predictions (not in any order or specific time).

1) If you live in a right to work state, the state laws will be superseded by a federal law when the secret ballot is killed to implement the union card check process by Congress.

2) The unemployment rate will increase to heights not seen since the 1930’s after all the new taxes are levied.

3) Free speech will be a thing of the past. First the “fairness doctrine” will be pushed through so the only information the public gets is the left’s indoctrination.

4) Any resistance to BO’s policies will be said to be racist further eroding free speech.

5) A catastrophic event will occur, such as another 9/11. This will be used to justify the declaration of Marshall Law to be enforced by the new civilian security force thereby ending civil liberties.

6) There will be trials of conservatives and others that caused resistance to the left’s agenda, convictions will lead to executions of these individuals.

7) Easier immigration and voter registration laws will lead to more voting fraud and stolen elections by the left, thereby effectively cutting off any peaceful road back to power for the right.

Give it 4 years and most of the above will occur.

Was I crazy to predict such dire consequences? History clearly says “no”. The evidence that most of these things are coming down the tracks toward us quickly is pretty clear now. The President has amassed so much power in seven months it is truly frightening. The Constitution is being ignored and individual liberties are disappearing in the guise of compassion and helping the “little guy”. The only real growth is occurring in Washington D.C. and in the federal government. What a surprise! Here are some items to think about.

1) Healthcare reform. This, as you know, represents somewhere in the vicinity of 15-20% of our GDP. Yet the House version HR3200 sprang out of nowhere. My congressman stated during a recent teleconference that he never even had an opportunity to see the bill in the drafting stage. All 1,000+ pages were introduced into his committee the day it was to be voted on. He does not know who drafted the legislation but does not think it was the democrats or their aids…. This is obviously not about health or care. It is all about control and the transfer of wealth.

Stop and Think
The mindset behind Obamacare seeks to create a new America.

Why Won't ABC and NBC Run This Ad?

2) Cap and Trade. I did not mention this or predict that this would be introduced so quickly. Man made climate change has not been proven, yet we are racing toward a so called “solution” that will increase unemployment, create a new series of hidden taxes for every good and service produced in this country and cause a great deal of further harm to our economy. Another transfer of wealth plan is all this is. You want further evidence? How about Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar and Carol Browner, Climate Change Czar, both advisers in the Obama administration. Jones is an avowed communist and Browner involved with the International Socialist Party. Why are they advising the President? What are they advising him to do?

Czars & Regs: Danger in


3) Hate crimes legislation. This has already been passed as an amendment to another bill. The media never mentioned it as it was under the radar. This will have a chilling effect on speech and creates special protected classes of people in our legal system. How does this improve the country?

Amendment No. 1539 “Hate Crimes”

4) Card Check. On the back burner now but I am sure it will be pressed as soon as some of their other nefarious priorities are met. After all, the head of the SEIU is a close advisor to the President on Health Care and other issues. An x-AFL-CIO guy now heads up the New York Federal Reserve; I believe this is an appointee of the President. Do you see a pattern here?


5) Freedom of speech issues. the site to snitch on your neighbor, the government placing tacking cookies on private citizen’s computers and now a bill that will give the White House ultimate authority to control “critical infrastructure”, meaning communications and the Internet, in the event of a self-defined cyber attack. Also, the hiring of Frank Lloyd as the FCC Diversity Advisor, a guy who is in love with Hugo Chavez’s Socialist revolution in Venezuela. He wants to shut down any opposition to the Progressives agenda. This is helpful to robust debate, free speech and liberty?

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

FCC 'Diversity' Chief Asked Liberals to Fight Limbaugh

Who Is Mark Lloyd?

6) We are now hearing commentary from many progressive talking heads that any resistance to the President’s agenda is “racist”. This was predictable. The guy who was supposed to transcend race and bring us together uses race as a weapon. Surely he does not say many racial things directly, but who do you think is orchestrating the attack dogs?

Notes from the post-racial presidency

7) We are hearing more and more of the impending swine flu epidemic this winter. The CDC has pushed back against the White House prediction of 90,000 deaths and millions ill. But is this the beginning of a set up so Marshall Law can be implemented plausibly? Or what about the deliberate weakening of our security by undermining the moral at the CIA with a witch hunt? Is this just political partisanship or something more sinister such as promoting another terror attack? And if so, the question is how do we trust a bunch of liars and communist radicals that have written and spoken about destroying our current system of freedom and capitalism? If Constitutional protections are suspended, what then?

Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?

8) Gun Control. There are several bills working their way thru Congress as this is written, If they take our guns away, they can do anything they want to us.

HR45 – More feel good gun control legislation sponsored by the

What do we do? I have stated before, as have others, don’t look at the party, as both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Look at where the candidates stand. Look not at what they say but what they have done. Vote for like minded individuals. Push good people that you know to run as Independents in local and national elections and be prepared to back them with your money while you still have it. Challenge the incumbents in your state and district. Ask tough questions and demand straight answers. In my view, we have only one opportunity to end this “revolution” that the country did not bargain for and that is November 2010.

The normal, average, everyday citizens have begun to wake up. You can see it in the Town Hall meetings across the country. If you live in a district with a democrat representative, a state with democrat senators, contact them and ask the tough questions and demand answers. Demand a freeze on new legislation and spending. Demand they stand up to the President and his Progressive allies for the good of the country. Let them know that either they are for you or against you. If they do not answer, or do not answer to your satisfaction, they are against you. Then tell them in no uncertain terms you will vote them out of office next election. We must hold these people accountable. NOW! Get involved, make contacting them and telling them where you stand on all of these issues a daily exercise. If we do not act peacefully to take back our country now, we may never have another opportunity. Let’s end this progressive revolution with a revolution by Real Americans!

Feel free to send links to this post as far and wide as possible to like minded individuals. Ask them to pass it on. It is our responsibility to act. If we do nothing, the consequences will be frightening.

Until next time, stay strong, stay active, stay aware and SPEAK OUT FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE!

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