Saturday, September 26, 2009


I believe that most thinking people respect and trust John Stossel, who after a long period of work at ABC on 20/20 has recently moved to Fox News.

I also believe that the vast majority of the productive citizens of this country do not want any part of the government being more involved in their healthcare than they already are.

In fact, I believe that the vast majority of productive citizens of this country made their negative thoughts and feelings about the democrat healthcare reform proposals, as well as a host of other issues, very clear during the August Congressional recess culminating in a massive march on Washington DC on September 12th.

However, as usual BO, congressional democrats and the “fringe media” as GB now calls them, (that would be MSNBC aka Mighty Silly News By Communists, CNN aka Communist News Network, NBC aka Nothing But Communism, ABC aka American Brand Communism, CBS aka Communist Broadcasting System, The New Yuk Times and The Washington Compost, to name a few) ignore the protests and/or try to marginalize them. The vehement protests that were conducted around the country do not necessarily mean that productive Americans do not want reform, just not their version of reform.

But to get back to John Stossel and healthcare reform, check out the link below.

ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan

Are there any more questions? If you don’t have any I do. One of the biggest questions about this whole administration is what is the rush? In this case, is it truly because we have a healthcare crisis? I don’t think so. I believe the rush is to jam this down the American people’s throats as quickly as possible because every day that passes brings more awareness of how un-American their plans are. Here is an article that supports this conclusion.

Democrats Deny GOP Bid to Put Health Bill Online

Now, why in the world would the democrats not want us to see their legislation if it was such a good piece of work and it is going to fix the healthcare “crisis”. Here is Rush Limbaugh’s take which I believe outlines the Democrat motives… control of the American people.

Limbaugh: Democrats Aim to Control People's Lives

If you have not contacted your congressmen and senators yet to voice your opinion, I urge you to do so as quickly as possible. Here again is a link to help you get started.

I have sent the following message to 38 democratic Senators so far and hope to get it out to the balance of the democrats in the near future. It does not matter that I do not live in their states. The democrats are proposing vast changes to the healthcare system that will impact ME and MINE as well as YOU and YOURS. If one or more Senators are a bit more concerned about their jobs it may help at least slow down or even stop this madness from becoming law. 2010 will be a defining moment in our future and we can help decide which path we take as a nation. The question is will there be more government and less freedom or more freedom and less government. I of course favor the latter course and suspect that you do as well.

Feel free to plagiarize or use my message in its entirety, but please get involved and speak out if you have not been vocal with your opinion up to this point.

Dear Senator,

There is no health care crisis, except for the one manufactured by those that want to further erode the liberty of the American people.

There are approximately 10 to 12 million Americans that are chronically uninsured. That and the area of increasing costs are the areas that need to be addressed; the whole system does not need an overhaul that inserts more government into the process.

Here are the areas that I and millions of my fellow Americans want addressed that will help resolve the uninsured and affordability issues.

1. Tort reform. Please examine the reforms that Texas implemented in the recent past and the positive results for their state as a good example to consider and follow.

2. Work with the states to eliminate coverage mandates so basic health insurance is available.

3. Amend the tax code to give individuals and families the same tax deductions for health insurance premiums that employers now have to help offset the cost.

4. Portability. Health insurance should go with the employee when they change jobs.

5. Expand the use of HSAs.

6. Pre-existing conditions. Forcing the insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions without the ability to charge appropriate premiums and spread the risk will most likely drive insurers from the market place. Rather, form either federal or state pooling arrangements where private insurers participate together and contribute to the pool to help cover these people. Add some modest federal tax subsidies to close any financial gap.

The President’s recent speech of Wednesday September 9, 2009 offered nothing but the same old tired rhetoric, not solutions. We don’t believe for a minute that his $900 billion plan as outlined will be satisfactory to the people that have insurance and pay the bills for America.

We object to further government mandates such as fines for being uninsured. We reject additional payoffs to unions which are already tucked into the bills written by the various committees. We object to the rush to pass legislation of this magnitude. I personally do not trust the President or you for that matter, to do the right thing without the strict oversight of the American people.

In 2010 I and many others will be voting and we are communicating and working with patriots across state lines. Keep that in mind. I suggest that you bend to the popular will and use the private sector to resolve the uninsured and cost containment problems. Your party and the special interests involved with you such as the SEIU are way off base.


I will close out this post by leaving a quote from an anonymous comment I found regarding a recent news article about the progressive movement. It is pretty right on.

“The vast majority of leftists are simply too naive or stupid to see what's happening. They're like a bunch of feral hogs rooting around an oak tree for acorns. Once the acorns are all eaten, they continue to root for more until they destroy its roots and kill the tree. Then they'll wonder why there aren't any more acorns.”

Take action and pass the word.

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