Saturday, September 12, 2009
Are most of the media covering up massive corruption in the granting and use of our tax money? Of course they are….
Evidence of media bias and complicity in this criminal behavior is rampant. The media needs to be held accountable for covering up activities that they personally agree with but are either treasonous or just plain criminal in nature. Here are several notable examples of media complicity and cover up in this case about the Van Jones “Green Czar” controversy.
Van Jones Draws Support from News Outlets Reluctant To Cover Controversy
After the Van Jones controversy, on September 10th a video of ACORN staff “allegedly” violating tax and other laws was revealed to the world on Breitbart’s Big Government website, the Glen Beck Show and other FNC time slots. On the morning of September 11th I checked the other news outlets to see if they had picked up the story and how they were treating it.
To their credit CNN picked up the story, posted it as the top headline on their website and reported on the story. Their treatment was of course kid gloves… for instance the independent film producer was described as a “conservative activist” while ACORN was described in the normal leftist terms of endearment but they did point out that the group has been under investigation for voter registration fraud and was pro-Obama.
Acorn Workers Caught On Tape Allegedly Advising on Prostitution
CBS news site did not mention the story. The same was true of MSNBC and NBC, which is to be expected as they are nothing less than propaganda machines for BO and Company. ABC did pick up the story. It was way down the list and was a brief piece that just laid out the Fox News story and the firing of the 2 ACORN employees with the usual denial by the group that the employees represented.
ACORN Fires Two After Hidden –Camera Footage Aired
If you have not seen the video of the sting on ACORN, click below. All sorts of ACORN info is on the site for you to read and view.
This is the real ACORN. Take a close look America. This is a picture of what your country will look like after four or 8 years of this administration and a democrat controlled congress. The question is this; do you want this country to become a cesspool of crime, intimidation, thought and speech control and hopelessness like all other big government societies?
After a second video of a sting on the group in Washington D.C. ACORN was sent a letter by the Commerce Department ob 9/11/09 severing ties with the group for purposes of the 2010 Census. This is good news but we need to remain vigilant as nothing is ever as it seems with this Administration.
Don’t doubt for a minute that major felonies have been committed by Obama and his cronies and we must push this thru the mid-terms so that the next congress will have an “incentive” to investigate this mess. BO promised to “transform” America. I think and believe this means turning America into a statist type of nation with him at the top. He has violated the Constitution and his oath of office numerous times in his short presidency. If this is not defined as treason, what is?
As for ties to ACORN, BO is in bed with this group despite his protests to the contrary. ACORN helped get him elected. See some of the links below for interesting video of “the one” addressing them and what he promises. Not involved with ACORN? They must think we are idiots!
Obama Answers Questions from Street Agitators Pt1
I think the next step is for all of us to make our legislators lives miserable by bombarding them with our demands for a full investigation of ACRON and all related groups, prosecutions where warranted and a GUARANTY that ACORN will get no more federal funds on top of the $53 million that we already know of. They are eligible for, some say, up to another $8.5 billion from the porkulous bill, passed over our strong objections in February. That must not happen and we need to continue to apply grassroots pressure and hold Washington accountable. Call them. Write them letters. Email them. And most importantly use facts to change the minds and hearts of the useful idiots that still insist BO is a great president. Do not give up . Below is the link of a helpful website in this regard.
Keep on waking up America. I watched the 9/12 Project's march on the capital today. Many pissed off Americans descended on the capital and gave the politicians a piece of their mind. The official number of protesters was put at 60,000 although the number looked larger than that. I hope that the moderate and conservative Democrats finally see the light and help us stop this president from destroying our great Republic. And to all Republicans in Congress, I for one want you to reamain the party of “NO”!
Until the next post, take care.
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