Sunday, November 7, 2010
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. “
George Washington
It does not seem to matter that the progressive agenda was rejected by the American people last Tuesday. They are doubling down and will try to ram more of their transformational legislation thru in a lame duck Congress. They have also announced that they will print $600 Billion more dollars, ostensibly in an attempt to jump start the economy. Haven’t we seen this movie before? What the heck was the stimulus supposedly about? Should we brace ourselves for higher inflation? There is more evidence every day that we are still in dire trouble and need to stay informed, active and engaged as never before.
Where to start this post? Well first off let us look at what the election results really mean. Our dear leader and his cronies are either 1) misreading the election results, 2) are stubborn and/or dense, or 3) just do not care about the wishes of the majority of Americans. I vote for the last choice
Next here is some news about higher education that broke recently. If you doubt that our education system has been hijacked by our domestic enemies, is being used to destroy the foundations of the republic and indoctrinating our youth consider this; a 2009 poll found that 30% of respondents thought socialism was a better system than free-market capitalism. First up are two versions of a nifty story about a professor named Blake ratting out fellow historians because of their leftist bias and revisionist tendencies at a recent taxpayer funded conference. In these articles, there is $161 million of government waste identified the Republicans should cut in the first 30 days after the 112th Congress is sworn in. By the way, one of the conference’s organizers of this conference also said that revising WWII history “will be more easily accomplished once the WWII generation has passed away”. I really get tired of progressive's rewriting our history and indoctrinating our kids, don’t you?
Next is a video that demonstrates some of the “group think” that is passed off as an education in some of our Ivy League institutions. The clip also clearly illustrates two things about progressives; first off how they have been brainwashed and secondly their dishonesty. To the first point Mathews says starting at the 0:55 point in the clip that Obama should have explained to the American people why he spent a lot of money on stimulus because most Americans weren’t taught economics the way he was taught it. Quote “we were all taught in graduate school you have to run big deficits during a grand recession, how about explaining that, everybody didn’t go to grad school.” Keynesian Economics has never been proven to be successful, but the left just keeps pushing it as a solution to our problems. Then Mathews demonstrates the left’s dishonesty by saying (at the 1:26 mark) “he never sold it as an economic tool a catalyst to greater growth down the road. Maybe it isn’t but he ought to sell it that way at least”. During the clip he also says that now we can base our lives around guaranteed healthcare. Isn’t that wonderful? It is no wonder that MSNBC’s ratings continue to slip…
Speaking of monetary policy, the good news is Ron Paul will probably chair the House Sub-Committee that oversees it. His “Audit the Fed” bill failed in the 111th Congress. Hopefully it will be enacted in the 112th. Actually, we need to repeal the Federal Reserve and put our economy back on a precious metal standard so the political class can no longer use inflation as an attempted method to pay of our national debt… sounds like a plan to me!
Last post I discussed George Soros. More good news from this election is he wasted a lot of money. But then he can afford it. His Secretary of State’s program was not as successful as he hoped and now Republicans will occupy 26 of these offices versus the Democrats 22. His pot legalization proposal also failed in California. The bad news is this guy is still a big winner when it comes to our looney monetary policy.
This article below was actually released before the election, on Halloween to be exact. But it deals with one of the main issues of the campaigns that the majority of Americans cared about, the Republicans promised to repeal and the Democrats ran away from: Obama Care. Do you know that a convicted bank robber wrote the basis for that legislation while serving prison time? If you get your information from what passes for main stream news in this country, you probably never heard about this…
And while we are on the subject of Obama Care, this piece is sooooo sweet! AARP sticks it to its own employees with an 8 to 13% premium increase on their health insurance, plus higher co-pays. Ooops! And I would not be surprised to learn that most of their employees voted for Obama and supported his reform plan. Of course there is the typically progressive spin put on this news: "AARP officials said medical inflation is the main reason employee costs will be going up. The health care law is "a small part," said David Certner, legislative affairs director." Sure. How’s that hope and change working out for you?
Obama Care also poses a real danger to our privacy and therefore a danger to our liberty, in addition to our health. Concerns have surfaced over plans by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to build a new database of the medial claims information of millions of American citizens. The OPM has provided few details about the new database and because the data collected will be shared with law enforcement, third-party researchers and others privacy advocates are worried about abuse. We all should be. And a related story is also posted below about more intrusion, this time requiring social security numbers for all of your dependents. Who wants this information? While HHS of course! Please repeat after me: REPEAL, REPEAL, and REPEAL!!
Now that the Republicans will be in charge of the House and have the power of the purse and the subpoena, will they be able to bring this renegade Administration and his progressive Democrat minions to heel? Will the Republicans investigate important subjects like what do the Obama Czars actually do, how much and from where do they paid and have any laws been broken that someone needs to answer for? Where did all of the Stimulus money really go? The list is endless with this Administration. I hope so and like the initial tone set by Daryl Issa.
On an election rated topic, here are two articles for you. One, is their voter fraud going on in Connecticut? And the second article is about the progressive moves to have non-citizens vote. At first they are targeting local elections but you know what is next on this agenda. This activity coincides very nicely with their plans to destroy the Electoral College as well as to get “comprehensive immigration reform”, aka amnesty for illegal aliens. Like I said, the progressives are doubling down and tireless in their work to “undo” America.
There is some hope that if a lame-duck session is held, the progressives will not be able to accomplish much. If I were a Democrat that was thrown under the bus by the current Troika, I certainly would try to thwart their plans. Especially if I was a fiscally conservative Blue Dog, a now endangered species of career politician. I hope this is the way it works out and the democrats just leave town peacefully.
Here is an interesting op-ed about stopping the conflict of interest that is public sector union members making political donations. I think this is another necessary step in fixing America. But we should go even further and just simply make the public sector unions extinct. After all it was a Presidential Executive Order published by JFK that allowed this to happen. Even FDR opposed allowing federal employees to unionize.
As governments grow, they invariably become more oppressive. This is a fact that has been historically proven time after time. We already owe San Francisco a debt of ingratitude for 4 years of the Pelosi House, thru which she helped to increase the size, power and scope of the Federal Government. Now we may be in for a nationwide sweep from the Fat Police that has been introduced into her home city. After all, California is supposedly the start of all fads… not that I could not afford to lose a few pounds, but being compelled by government to do so?
I will leave you with this: an analysis of election night coverage which points to Fox News as the most fair and balanced. That is no surprise.
Any reasonable America should be outraged about the progressive ideology using the government as a club to mold our behavior to the way they think it should be. With political correctness they stifle free speech and opposing views. They want to tell us what we can eat, how much exercise to do and what to think. They want us to reduce our standard of living to “save the planet”. They do not think our freedoms are worth fighting for and are soft on national security. Tuesday’s election was the first step in the process of telling them to stuff it! Please stay engaged. Let your elected Congress Critters know what you think. Offer them you guidance and direction. Otherwise, they will revert to business as usual.
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