Monday, August 10, 2009
Freedom versus Tyranny
In the prior two posts we have looked at one of the basic premises about why we need reform, which proponents say is to assist the large number of uninsured. We then looked at the spin about a key provision of the Democratic proposals that you can keep the private coverage that you have if you like it and want to. In this post we will examine the public’s reaction to the healthcare overhaul proposals that are making their way through Congress, and how our rights to assembly and free speech are being infringed by both major parties. The trend toward socialism in America may have started under President Bush as many have said (actually it started many years before), but it has really accelerated since President Obama took office…the joke is on us for trusting politicians, of either party, to do what is in the best interests of the citizens,
Below is the definition of the word “debate”.
–verb (used with object)
1. to argue or discuss (a question, issue, or the like), as in a legislative or public assembly: They debated the matter of free will.
2. to dispute or disagree about: The homeowners debated the value of a road on the island.
3. to engage in formal argumentation or disputation with (another person, group, etc.): Jones will debate Smith. Harvard will debate Princeton.
4. to deliberate upon; consider: He debated his decision in the matter.
5. Archaic. to contend for or over.
Ask yourself a question. Based on the definition of the word, has there really been debate about healthcare reform? The subject has been in the news to be sure, but almost always with the slant that this is something we must do quickly for the sake of the nation. Remember BO wanted this done before the congressional summer recess. Rush, rush, rush there is no time to waste. Thank goodness we were able to derail that time table.
In order to have a true debate all sides must be able to present information and express their viewpoints in a deliberative fashion. Currently, just one side’s proposals have really been heard. The Progressives wonderful plan full of restrictions, rules, bureaucrats and punishments has been trumpeted as the answer to the problem. We are expected to reach a foregone conclusion that we must accept the government’s takeover plan as quickly as possible or the country will start suffering the consequences. Triple A recently gave a very mixed message, saying first he will listen to all ideas and then saying he wants all those who dissent on this issue to get out of the way and then accuse them of causing this mess. This was all in the same speech! I bet BO would just like America to blindly accept all of these policies as he is so much smarter than the average Joe Six Pack…
But some of the facts about the progressive plans are leaking out despite the efforts of the spin masters in the administration and the state controlled media to portray their ideas as benign. Some ordinary citizens are now reading the actual proposals being discussed in Congress. Evidence of this is the number of questions being asked about, and the statements of opposition being made to this plan at meetings across the country. Isn't it surprising, and frightening that normal Americans often know more about HR 3200 than their members of Congress? The problem is a large majority apparently doesn’t want change and are happy with the coverage they now have. Here are some recent polls that support this contention.
Health Reform and the Polls
Obama’s biggest obstacle is the 68% of voters who rate their health coverage as good or excellent.
32% Favor Single-Payer Health Care, 57% Oppose
As we are supposed to do, we join our elected officials in meetings where we would like to get some questions answered and make our voices heard. It doesn’t appear that Washington really wants to hear us out. Below are some links to recent videos and articles about town hall meetings where some disagreed with healthcare reform in pretty strong terms. I have also included some of the videos of the spin masters who are calling these events, “astroturf”, orchestrated, etc.
Kathleen Sebelius & Arlen Specter called out!
More Town Hall Opposition! Watch This!
Man Yells at House Majority Leader: 'You're Lying to Me!'
Sebelius, Specter Get Heckled at Town Hall
Hodes: Reading Every Bill “Not Realistic”
Democratic Lawmakers Get an Earful on Health Care Reform
'Get the Gov't the Hell Outta Our Way!' Blue Dog Town Hall Gets Heated
Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan
MSNBC in Full Court Press To Smear the Town Hall Protesters
Glenn Beck: The Tea Party the Media Ignored
Protests, passions roiling town hall meeting on health care
Violence Erupts At Rep. Castor's Town Hall In Tampa
Is this outrage “manufactured” as the Progressive’s would have you believe? I personally do not think so. I know that I am not a “plant” from the health insurance industry. On a daily basis I encounter many small business owners that oppose the government takeover of healthcare. They do not tell me “I can’t wait for the Public Option so I can transfer my employee’s health care insurance costs to the taxpayer!” They realize that this is a wrong approach and that their employee’s healthcare, not to mention their own, will suffer.
The Progressive’s by and large control our media with the exception of FOX news, talk radio and the internet. They are upset that their “un-American” plan to control us has been exposed. Now they are going to do everything they can to take back the initiative including “packing” these events with SEIU and ACORN members to counter the growing concern and frustration of the average American.
The Progressives have to lie and discredit those that disagree with them. Force has to be used to impose their vision of America upon its citizens as it has not sold well in elections. That is, until a large percentage of the voters were hoodwinked by a smooth used car salesman with Marxist roots supported by a powerful Progressive Machine. And they will continue to lie to us about their real intentions to make us subservient to the political class. They will try to marginalize and discredit any that stand the way of their Utopian dream. A good example of this is below. It shows how the Progressives will do anything to discredit their opponents. It really sounds like Rob MacGuffie is a real big Republican operative! Not!
Think Progress, MSNBC 'Manufacture' a Story With Putative Smoking Gun 'Mob' Memo
When there is this type of government and media response to our dissenting voices from the political class... is it time to start being afraid of the government?
White House to Democrats: 'Punch back twice as hard'
Axelrod gives Dems their health talking points
Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls
The normal, average citizens are coming out to meetings with their elected officials to voice their frustration with Washington. Now they are being intimidated by union thugs of the SEIU. Has BO spoken out? No and his silence speaks volumes on where he stands. It looks like dissent is okay as long as it is coming from a progressive or progressive point of view. What hypocrisy!
I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton
This President is moving us fast to a place where America just does not want to go, not to mention the economics of the current situation. As a nation, we are afraid that the country that we know is being dismantled right in front of us. Many are afraid. Here are some examples of the direction that the progressives are giving to supporters of their healthcare takeover to offset real American outrage.
House Dem Health Care Cheat Sheet
Unions Join Fray in Health-Care Overhaul
Columnist Peggy Noonan makes the point with a recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal.
‘You Are Terrifying Us’
Today one of the real problems we face is our elected representatives, at many levels of government; seem to forget who they work for. They are mostly interested in maintaining their power and privileges. They know better than us. One of the questions that have been asked of Congress; are they willing to participate in the same plan that they design up for us? So far, they have all danced around that question and of course we know the answer. The real answer is not only “no”, but “hell no” they will not participate. What are we thinking? They are the elite and deserve better than the citizens that pay for their salaries and perks.
Now it looks like anyone that shows up at a Town Hall meeting and asks questions about the healthcare plans is automatically assumed to be a “plant” from some vast right wing conspiracy. Below is both a local and national view of one House member accusing a constituent of being such plant. Frankly, I am deeply ashamed of our elected officials. They live in a bubble inside the beltway and are disconnected with the citizens. Just because the Democrats won the election, that victory did not suspend our Constitutional protections.
U.S. Rep David Scott Loses Temper At Town Hall Meeting
Georgia Democrat yells at local doctor over health care
The elite really believe they know how to manage our existence than we do. Here is a good opinion piece on that issue to factor into all of the propaganda you encounter today.
They Think You Are Stupid: Why Resistance To Obamacare Is Growing Despite Intimidation and Slander
Thomas Jefferson was a wise, if imperfect man. A review of his words today is instructive. Here are 2 of his sayings to consider in the context of the healthcare non-debate.
“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.”
“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”
In summary, I believe that there is real fear and anger at government for even proposing a healthcare plan that in their gut many Americans feel is dangerous to their health and well being, not to mention their liberty. The anger is not manufactured. The operatives of the Progressives, those people that are professionally on the dole, have all the time in the world to protest. ACORN and the SEIU are great examples of organizations that use poor, ignorant Americans to do their dirty work. Remember the AIG bonus protest? These are the rabble rousers that are sucking this nation dry. In my opinion we must resist this government takeover of the healthcare system or we will not remain a free people.
Take care America, stay aware, be involved and stand your ground for what is right.
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