Monday, April 25, 2011


“The way to crush the bourgeois (middle class) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." -- Vladimir I. Lenin.

Unless you are completely asleep, it is very apparent that America is under attack from within by domestic enemies. The evidence is overwhelming. Many people are still in denial about the man that was elected to the Presidency in 2008. Even though the evidence is overwhelming that his “transformation of America” is not a positive thing for most middle class citizens, it seems very few believe that they and their families are in any real danger. Most do not appear to be taking current events very seriously. Or if they do they are not taking any action to protect themselves from the coming disaster; such as educating themselves on the facts, voicing their opinions to their elected representatives, writing letters to their local papers or getting involved with like minded people… I hope and pray that changes in the near future. It appears that the time when we are free to choose our leaders, to speak our minds freely, to choose our careers, to choose where to live and what kind of car to buy and the freedom to worship may be rapidly coming to a close. The evidence as I say is overwhelming. Below are the results of just one hours’ worth of internet surfing on various news and comment sites. Now I know there is a lot of junk and inaccurate material on the web. However, these are standard, not fringe sources.

Let’s begin with these subjects; Inflation and taxes and how they can impact our standing as a free nation. Many of you may have noticed that in addition to gasoline prices going through the roof, food costs are also increasing rapidly. We are told by the government and the Fed that “core inflation” is not a threat but that is false as energy and food prices are not included in that statistic. Of course the main stream media plays along with the government. The media is framing the debate that we, the people are the cause of the debt and are not willing to make the cuts necessary to correct our spending addiction. We are told we are in an economic recovery and all will be fine. Just as long as the Fed continues to buy back our own debt and the government keeps stimulating the economy. I do not believe that to be the case. The economy is sick. How it keeps going with all that the government has piled on it in the form of uncertainty, bad monetary policy and more regulations is a testament to capitalism. It is strong and I hope strong enough to weather this storm. What “they” don’t tell you is that it is government policies in large part that are causing this to happen.

The 'Recovery' Is 100 Percent Fake

Politicians, Not Public, to Blame for Debt Crisis

Energy in America: EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans

Rising Gas Prices Linked to Obama Drilling Ban in Just 1% of Evening News Stories

Gas Prices Top $1-a-Gallon Higher than Year Ago; Media Don't Blame Obama

Don't Like a Weak Dollar? Might as Well Get Used to It

IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end. Commentary: China’s economy will surpass the U.S. in 2016

Obama says it’s only ‘fair’ to raise taxes on the rich. He’s wrong.

Now let’s examine who is behind the agenda leading to this bad news. By that I mean who is it that likes to create dependency on the state? Who is it that wants to destroy free enterprise and capitalism by destroying the work ethic and expanding the state? Who is it that think they are capable of picking the winners and losers over the rule of law? It is the alliance of the BIGS: Government, Labor and Business. This ,my friends is a truly non-partisan problem as both republicans and democrats are involved with stealing our liberties, national wealth and resources and redistributing it to their cronies.

How Health Reform Punishes Work

Boeing lives by big government, dies by big government

NLRB complaint a blow to free business

Obama a quick study on creating commissions

Obama won’t produce birth certificate because it would reveal TRUE identity of his father: Hawaii senator’s extraordinary claim

What? No Easter Greeting?

Revolutionary Socialist Group Planning to Recruit Children in JR High School to Join and Become Leaders in the Movement

These are my conclusions from this one day’s sampling of current news and opinion:

1) Many of our current leaders, including the President do not like our country as founded.

2) We are fast approaching the rule of man versus the rule of law.

3) The majority of the media outlets in the country supports the transformational agenda and provides propaganda for political cover not fair, factual reporting.

4) Our schools have become recruiting grounds for our own future domestic enemies.

5) If current trends continue unabated, the middle class will likely be destroyed.

6) We will end up with a permanent underclass beholden to the elites.

7) At that point pure socialism can be implemented.

8) The last step will be a violent transition to communism and a complete dictatorship.


But only if the good people in this country allow it to happen by staying silent. If we worry too much about hurting others feeling or offending others we cannot address the true issues. The truth hurts; Socialism has never worked and has always ended badly. We do have a chance. That chance is the opportunity to elect principled leaders at all levels of government in 2012. Work to elect people who will continue to reduce the size, power and scope of government. If you love the traditional values and the free market system that that built America speak up. Get involved in your community. Do not be part of the silent majority any longer. This may very well be the last opportunity we have to remain a free people and continue to provide a beacon of liberty to the world.