Saturday, October 23, 2010


In just a 10 days we face the most important election of out lifetimes, maybe in the history of the Republic. No matter what happens on that day, those of us who want to restore America will have to face the fact that we can no longer remain on the sidelines in the struggle for liberty. A lot of damage to our traditions and institutions have been done by the progressives since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. It will take many years to undo. We, and more importantly our children, have been under assault by the left who have gladly indoctrinated us to accept less freedom and more government control of our lives. Maybe most of us are awake now and will stand up and say "no more". Here is some of the news & opinion over the past few weeks:

* Labor Unions may be this country's undoing. No surprise there. Will there be more economic chaos caused by a new accounting standard?

Armageddon: What Democrats Are Hiding & Why They Are Really Scared

* Walter E Williams is one of the people that I admire for clear-headed explanations of economics. He also tackles other issues. Here is a piece reminding us that the left uses confusion and deception to perpetrate it's plans which are not always compatible with the American way of life.

Leftists, Progressives and Socialists

* If they gain enough power in Congress, will the Republicans do what the majority of the people in America want them to do? That is, those that are the PRODUCERS of wealth in our society? One of our agenda items is to repeal the hideous Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? Well, probably not unless we the people hold them accountable. The name of that legislation is a joke...

Sen. Bob Corker Denies Obamacare Reports

* I don't know about you but I am really tired of the hypocrisy of the left. Obama, fellow democrats and their media allies are attacking the Chamber of Commerce over alleged foreign campaign contributions to Republicans with absolutely no evidence. Oh my! Our "democracy" is being stolen by shady outside forces! The evil empire strikes back! But notice when it is an outside source that the left likes they do not talk about it in the same terms. Obama received millions in 2008 and we do not know where it came from. Other countries involved? Who knows but I bet it is likely. Then there is George Soros. More on that below. Now, don't get me wrong as the COC has often taken positions on the issues that I do not agree with, for example they are not calling for the ObamaCare's repeal. Rather they want to "Continue to work on favorable implementation of the health care law—the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)—and ameliorate regulations to provide flexibility and best serve business needs." But all in all they are the voice of smaller businesses. Now back to Georgie boy. Soros has a history of trying to influence our elections. While he is a naturalized U.S. citizen (since 1961), his goals to have a one world government are very questionable and dangerous to our Republic.

Soros Donates $1 Million to Media Matters

* I just mentioned that Soros is dangerous to our Republic. One example of his negative influence is his financial support of leftist organizations. These organizations in turn work behind the scenes to "transform" America into something other than a free society. Remember, Georgie boy was one of the people behind the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Bill. This bill actually violated our Constitution and I was aghast when "W" signed it. But of course history has shown that Bush the younger was a progressive in many ways. Some of the provisions of this freedom stifling legislation have been struck down by the courts which is the good news. The bad news is that Soros's, along with people like Progressive Insurance's Peter Lewis, influence is damaging our country. Here is an example where one of the cast of characters is Russ Feingold, the very same whose name appears above. Hopefully Feingold will be taken out on "trash day".

The Senator From Soros

* Will the left steal November's election? They have a history of trying to do so and more importantly are getting good at it. Just this week we saw a lawsuit filed in court in Cincinnati about public schools allegedly busing students to vote while showing them only the democrat ballot. Then there is ACORN, or whatever they call themselves these days. And remember Minnesota in 2008? The George Soros sponsored Secretary of States Program, which he started after the close election of "W" and Al Gore, was responsible for putting Al Franken in the Senate. Count the votes enough times using malleable rules with leftists supervising the process and you can get the results you desire. I hope that we all have noticed that in the bluest of the blue states, New York and Illinois to name two of them, it appears that there is a well orchestrated effort to disenfranchise the votes of overseas military personnel. And I thought it was the "radical right wing conspiracy" that did that kind of horrible thing? Along these lines here is more food for thought:

The Democrats Will Steal the Election if We Let Them

* And now for some great news about how your hard-earned tax dollars have been used via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We can be sure that spending close to a trillion dollars, which we do not have, saved the economy from another great depression. If you believe that nonsense, no comment...

A Federal Stimulus Dirty Dozen,-Drunk,-and-Stupid%E2%80%A6/5

* Here are ten reasons why we need to defeat democrat candidates and elect Republicans this time around. Of course, the heavy lifting will have to be done after the election to make sure that the Republicans know that we will not stand for "business as usual".

Arthur Brooks: Top 10 ways government kills jobs in America

* Here are some other interesting pieces for you to review including: 1) several comparisons of the two philosophies that are in competition for the soul of America, 2) possible crimes related to using tax dollars to promote health care, 3) how our lack of controls at the southern boarder may be leading up to another terrorist attack, 4) controlling you with the food you eat and 5) how to quickly balance the federal budget:

Allen West: Midterms 'Tipping Point' Election to Stop Socialism

The Texas Model

Taxi? $800,000!

Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense

Ads touting health care reform may break the law

Two Videos About How Terrorists May Be Crossing the Mexican Border

Obama's bribe-a-thon

Year after year, our culture of dependence grows

In throes of recession, D.C. stands apart

FoodPolitik: Controlling Your Food, the Trojan Horse of ‘public health’

Yes, Folks, We All Would Legislate Morality (Psst, Even You Libertarians)

Here’s How to Balance the Budget